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Sunday, January 12, 2020

Exile Mentality


Many people think, and sometimes I catch myself thinking this way, that to have the Temple would be superb, marvelous,wonderful, and awesome. This is a big fail. The Temple is not just a bonus. Anyone who has any real conception of the greatness of G-d and how He created and maintains the entire universe unto its very core of existence, every second, knows that on the contrary, not having the Temple is one of the most incomprehensible facets of the world. Only due to G-d's infinite divinity He allows such a possibility to run it's course for two thousand years, as explained in the holy books (specifically Daas Tevunos of the Ramchal). Having the Temple isn't some luxury, rather it is intrinsic and very basic. Understand this well and get out of the gallus - exile mentality. The tzadikim, the Breslovers understood this, and that is why they base their every single day upon the Temple, waking up at midnight to lament the loss of this vital component of life and the universe.

May we merit to see the Temple very soon already.

Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman

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