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Friday, March 6, 2020

Beating bad fate with a curse

HH just saw this quote:
I went to the doctor and he gave me 2 months to live. SO I SHOT HIM. Judge gave me 30 years!

Reminded me of this:

HH there is a true chasidishe story like this when Rabbainu sent someone to procure the stores of his Bal Shem Tov, which were contended by Rabbainu's uncle R' Baruch. The messenger wore Shabbos clothing to do his mission. R' Baruch cursed him that he would have fever for a year. When he complained to Rabbainu, Rabbainu faulted him for wearing Shabbos clothes thus intimidating his uncle, but said nevertheless the messenger was destined to die that year and R' Baruch's "curse" saved him.... Na NaCh NaChMa NaChMaN MayUMaN

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