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Saturday, July 11, 2020

Utter humiliation of the Scientists

HH as the world suffers from Carona, one awesome side is the brutal, devastating, and humiliating blow it has delivered to the arrogant scientists. Modern man is so so proud of the technology, and unfortunately for many it is a deity (diety). BH they have now been schooled big time. All their most advanced research, equipment, expertise hasn't helped very much, and on the contrary it has been responsible for the death of thousands. If G-d forbid the virus would have been slightly more lethal, the world would have underwent the same catastrophe as with plagues in the medieval times. What an utter embarrassment to the scientific community. This is just a foretaste to many more revelations of their erroneous, deceitful, and false systems.
The inventions are great, and they come and will come at the predetermined times, like Rabbainu said in Words of Rabbi Nachman, but the horrid horrendous ideology that they try to pass off with them is unbearable.
Na NaCh NaChMa NaChMaN MayUMaN

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