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Sunday, January 2, 2022

Rabbi Moshe Breslover

HH tonight Rosh Chodesh Shvat is the hillula of Rabbi Moshe Breslover. The mentor of Rabbi Yisroel Karduner, and thus one of the key pillars of the tradition of Breslov until the coming of Messiah. In fact the initials RMB is a holy name revealed by the Arizal מ'י ב'אר דר'ך
Rabbi Moshe Breslover was a child prodigy raised personally by Rabbi Nussun! Even still we have very scant information of him, maybe 10 things, he obviously was a genius in hiding himself, so much so that even Rabbi Avrohom Ben Haran failed to fully appreciate his true greatness and fundamental role in Breslov. It would take two generations of his products, Rabbi Yisroel Karduner and Saba Yisroel, for the world to begin to appreciate who initiated these fundamental pillars of Breslov upon whom the entire redemption is contingent.
RMB left over a small treatise
נר לצדיק - - עם הז' אותיות בגמטריא נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן!!!! 
This booklet has short entries from the holy teachings of Rabbainu NNNNM arranged alphabetically to facilitate short study spelling out a person's name to elevate their soul.

May his memory be a blessing and protection for all of Israel.

Na NaCh NaChMa NaChMaN MAyUMaN

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