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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Nanach Gladiator - Likutay Moharan Torah-teaching 233

Nanach Gladiator 

Today, on almost every social media platform, there is readily available a plethora of insane footage of wild beasts preying and battling one another.
In former good times, Monarchs would be entertained by such things, animals would be brought to fight eachother before them, bringing them the thrills of victory.
Rabbi Nachman in Likutay Moharan 233 that this is an allegory to the battle we all have when inappropriate thoughts wish for us to dwell upon them, and we try to repel them with holy thoughts. The holy thoughts are like Kosher animals and the impure thoughts are the aspect of the impure beasts. From on High they deliberately and intentionally allow this battle to ensue, and the Holy Blessed One has great delight when a person overpowers the impure beasts and is victorious over them.

Na NaCh NaChMa NaChMaN MAyUMaN 

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