Na Nach Nachma Nachman MeUman!
Those who have been wronged by Google - comment!
This is about Rabbi Nachman of Bresluv (Breslov, Bratslov), now known as Na Nach Nachmu Nachmun MayUman! This is about his chasid and chief disciple Rabbi Natan, it's about the Saba, the Baal HaPetek.
HH this sign was designed and produced by Gilead in memory of Mishmarti who just past away after Shabbos.
Mishmarti was a sweet kid around 18 or 20 years old I think
He was by the holy tomb this winter for a few months. He came with a very damaged stomach l"u and would not eat most foods, he subsisted on small rations of crackers tuna and chocolate and the like, he also had difficulty sleeping. He was very particular not to hear idle chatter - devorim bitailim, or lushon hura C"V. His health deteriorated more and more until he returned to Israel.
There was just a very passionate discussion amongst the boys at the holy tomb as to how our lackongss might have contributed to this tragedy. From the kohanim section I heard the screaming. BH he merited to spend his last months by the true leader of Israel and master of all the souls. May he rip and reap his reward for all eternity!
Na Nach Nachma Nachman MeUman!
HH .... that BH I'm not into blackmail ....
BH have to go through the video footage and see what is appropriate to share.
ב"ה מי שרוצה להקדיש נר תמיד של שמן זית אצל הציון הקדוש של רבינו נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן, שסגולתו להציל משמד ולהמתיק הדינים ולזכות לבנים תלמידי חכמים ועוד סגולות תכתבו ליוסף לייב
HH whoever would like to light up another flame by Rabbainu should write to Yosef Leib at the above email.
HH currently there are 18 ner tumids by the holy tomb BH and we are trying to get it up to 148. The base cost is $25 a month.
HH the age old question, what does it take for someone to be considered a Nanach?!
So we find a hint to this in the second Mishna of Eruvin. The Mishna says: הכשר מבוי
The criteria for 'ma boy' - that is a bonafide Nanach.
בית שמאי אומרים לחי וקורה ובית הלל אומרים לחי או קורה.
Beis Shamai is stringent they stipulate both the cultivation of healthy pehyos - the aspect of lechi which are the verticals on the cheeks. In addition to the Nanach Beanie - koara. Whereas Beis Hillel is more benevolent and accepting either or.
רבי אליעזר אומר לחיין!
Rabbi Eliezer demands Mega pehyos!
Na Nach Nachma Nachman MeUman!
HH two Russians went to speak on their behalf to the authorities and managed to explain the situation.
ב"ה אלחדד והרבנים עכשיו שילמו ליוקראנה איזה עשרים אלף דולר לגרש כל אלו שהיה להם יד בהמרד.
Elchadad and the Rabbis just bribed the Ukrainians with twenty grand to expell the people involved in the mutiny.
HH the entire world runs on charity, almost all the countries in the world owe huge amounts of money, and countries like China, well all the citizens are basically charity slaves to the dictator /country.
The only solution, the final solution is Rabbainu Na Nach Nachma Nachman MeUman!
HH good for them they managed to come out in full numbers as they did recently for the funeral of a. Zora. But where are they in the reality? When my friends are being threatened to be kicked out of their homes, men women and children? Where are they when Sharon can't even get a handful of people to stand with him to bring Rabbainu to Jerusalem. Why couldn't they all say, for about 5 seconds, the password for redemption Na Nach Nachma Nachman MeUman?
The rabbis and elchadad never paid Peretz so he locked them out of the office in back of the Tzion. Today the security Mafia tried sealing off the office to take it over and that's when the fun began.
ב"ה בא נראה שאומן יהיה מדינה לעצמה, מדינה של רבינו נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן!
HH let's see Uman as it's own country of Rabbi Nachman - Na Nach Nachma Nachman MeUman!