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Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Prayer for Purim


Likutay Tifeeloas - A Collection of Prayers 2:37

May there be will from Your countenance Hashem our Gd and the Gd of our fathers, Who performs miracles and wonders in every single generation, "Who fights our fights, and brings justice to our judgments, and avenges  our revenge, and exacts retribution to all the enemies of our souls, and reprisal for us from our oppressors (after-blessing of Megillas Esther)," that you have mercy on us with Your abundant mercies, and help us with Your awesome salvations and wonders, that we should merit to receive and to fulfill properly the holy days of Purim in their times, that we merit to fulfill all the holy mitzvoas which are applicable on Purim, with great holiness and purity, "with joy and good heart (Deuteronomy 28:47)," with tremendous and very enormous glee and rejoicing and excitement and delight, with all their particulars and exact details and their intentions and the 613 mitzvoas which are contingent on them.
Master of the World, You already revealed to our ears that all the miracles and wonders that You performed for our fathers upon which were instituted the holy yomim toavim (-holidays), all of them take place and are revealed and radiate in every single generation in every person in every era, and we need to draw the holiness of Purim and the holiness of all the yomim toavim, and the radiance of the miracles and wonders that were done then, in every  single year, in every single generation, and with every single person personally. So in this vein I come before You Who performs miracles and wonders in every single generation, and every day, and at all times, and every hour, teach me, and enlighten me, and be gracious with me, and merit me that I should merit to the joy of Purim with true completeness, they should married to be rejoice very, very much with all (my) heart and soul in the holy days of Purim every single year, with joy that has no end. Until I merit through the joy and holiness of Purim to draw upon me and upon our of Israel the holiness and purity which stems from the red heifer (Puruh Adoomuh) which purifies from toomas hamais (impurity of the dead), which You commanded us to engage in reading this parsha (-Torah portion) of the red heifer (on the Shabbos) after Purim, and You revealed to us it through Purim one merits to the purity of the red heifer, so that we merit to be pure to receive the holiness of the Pesach sacrifice in its time.
Master of the World, You know that in the utter magnitude of the descent and our fall in the depth of this better exile, and the utter magnitude and abundance of the hardships of the soul which transpire over each and every one of Israel, and particularly upon me, and enormous and plethora of the depth of the ocean which torrent over me, and chase (-persecute) me very, very much from all (the) sides, and I am in very, very dire straights, without measure or estimation, and I don't know any opening of hope  to rectify and to be saved from all this, behold for all of this I need now wondrous miracles and great and awesome salvations, like You did with Klal (-collective whole of) Yisroel for eternal generations, wondrous and awesome miracles which never had their equivalent, in the days of Mordechai and Esther when the evil Haman may his name and memory be blotted out stood up against them etc., which this miracle of Purim it's creator then all of the miracles that You ever performed with us, as You informed us through Your holy Sages of blessed memory, and all the holidays will be nullified but the days of Purim will not be nullified. And originally all the beginnings were from Pesach, because all the holidays are in memory of the exodus from Egypt, but now etc. (Rabbainu didn't finish this sentence but it infers: Purim, and Rabbainu himself).
Master of the World, Master of the Entire Universe, Master of the Wonders, Who burgeons salvations, You know the truth, that all the miracles and the wonders that You did with us in the exodus of Egypt and in the war of Amulaik, in the days of Moshe and in the days of Mordechai and Esther, and all the miracles and wonders that You did with us in the days of Hanukkah, and in every single generation, the main miracle and the salvation is the salvation of the soul. Because the main envy and the hatred of all our oppressors and assailants, physically and spiritually, is just on account of our believing in You Hashem our Gd, and (our) intense yearning to go in Your holy ways, and to fulfill Your awesome mitzvoas, and to reveal and publicize the truth of the faith in Your Divinity, and Your Providence, and Your dominion on/in the world, which just because of this "it is not only one who stands up against us to annihilate us, but in every single generation they stand up against us to annihilate us, and the Holy One Blessed He saves us from their hands (Haggadah of Pesach)." And therefore the main miracle and the salvation from all the hardships is what You avenge Your vengeance, and You perform miracles and wonders, in order to fulfill the Torah and the mitzvoas so that they are not nullified from the world Heaven forbid, as the haters (-enemies) and the heretics may their names be blotted out desire, because all of them are from the real of Haman and Amulaik my his name be blotted out.

And now, what can I say before You Who sits in sublime loftiness, and was can you count before You Who dwells in the shichakim (3rd heavens), if after all these miracles and wonders, I myself I sell myself more than all the haters (-enemies), because I didn't surmount against my (physical) desires, (and) even also drew upon myself the Yetzer hura (-evil inclination), and I did what I did, until I brought myself hands on into there hardships, the plights of my soul, which are harsher and more bitter than all the hardships, because there's no hardship like the hardships of the soul, because this is the greatest pity have all the pities, to extract the Israelite soul from sins and defects.

Master of the Entire World, Primordial One, True Hashem Gd, You alone know where these things reach, because I am truly asinine and do (/will) not know the magnitude of the miracle of Purim, physically and spiritually, and especially how to merit to draw upon myself the magnitude of this miracle and salvation, but You alone know everything, and You hint to me from afar to draw close to You at all times, with all types of sparkings (flashings) and abundant hints without measure, but I in my utter stubbornness have still not returned from my fallacy, but this is my consolation in my bitter poverty/suffering, that I still persist further to speak words like these before You, and to chirp my words from the dust to You, and to still await Your mercies and Your salvation.

Master of the World, You alone know the magnitude of the miracle that was then in the days of Mordechai and Esther, that they merited to win the war of Haman Amulaik, to blot out their names and remembrance from the world. And how they merited through this to draw wondrous radiance and awesome salvation in every single generation. And how now all our vitality and our hope to get out of our exile of body and soul, is only through the powerful magnitude of this miracle. Because we stand and await Your salvation, like You helped them then to cast down and to break the klipa (-husk) of Haman Amulaik, to uproot and to nullify and to cast down his great pollution, so too stand up to our avail sela in every single generation, until You win the war completely, to blot out the remembrance of Amulaik entirely, and to remove the spirit of toomuh (defilement) from the land, and to truly return us to You, and to take us out of our bitter exile quickly. Therefore I have come before You  Master of the Wonders, then You should put Your heart to the greatness of the duress of our souls, and look at our poverty/suffering and duress, and don't look at our shortcomings/infractions and do with us wondrous and awesome miracles, miracles of Purim, in such a fashion that You bring about beneficial circumstances that we merit to return to You in our lifetime fast, quickly, and soon, and we shall not ever return to folly.

Na NaCh Nachma Nachman MayUman

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