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Saturday, August 29, 2020

Eruvin - making it to Uman so the whole world asks What is Nanach


A few months ago I posited that the shutting down of society by Corona was influenced by the world wide study of tractate Shabbos, and I was therefore hopeful that when they progressed to finish Shabbos and moved on to Eruvin, things would be easier. It is now three weeks into Eruvin, there were some minor mitigations, but nowhere near what I was hoping. In truth Eruvin, are just minor aids to easing restrictions on Shabbos, but it is still very much Shabbos, even still I was figuring that since they weren't actually learning about Shabbos, just about the Eruvin things would be easier. What has really become clear is that the main issue here is Uman Rosh Hashana. The whole idea of the Eruv enacted by the tzadikim, is the power of the tzadik, this attribute of yesod is likened to the Lechi - the little stick put in the entrance, thus bringing cohesion to all inside. Saba already foretold the Corona almost 40 years ago, and said the plague would come from Italy and China and then named many other countries, but we will be singing Na Nach.  All of this we have seen unfold before us. Just, few of us merited to sing Nanach....

Saba said, the whole world will ask what is Na Nach?! That still has not happened. So Corona continues to be an issue. Now, before Rosh Hashana when people are beginning to feel the pressure in their need to get to Uman, B"H finally the call of Rabbainu is being broadcasted throughout the world. And finally now people all around the world are finding out about Uman and Rosh Hashana, and how Uman utterly disregards Corona and all the other falsehoods of society, and people all around the world are beginning to ask, what is this?! What is Na Nach?!

Let's let them know Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman!

#corona #nanach #nanachnachmanachmanmayuman #uman #umanroshhashana #shabbos #eruvin 

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