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Saturday, October 24, 2020

Need to feel in control

Every year far more people are killed in car accidents then those who died from corona. So why don't they shut down the roads? Because when it comes to driving they think they have the controls, they think it is within their reach to ultimately fix the situation by having everyone follow regulations. Whereas with the corona they feel helpless not knowing who will get it and how to control it.

Rabbainu already said that it is a great pity on the sick, because what they really need to do is pray and the mercy of HY, but it is extremely hard to not actively do something practical to try to cure the sickness, so people resort to going to doctors, even though the doctors are the leading cause of death, may HY save us. Rabbainu likened this to someone who has a headache, so he hits himself over the head with a plank. Rabbainu said that one should see himself as if he is in the desert with no means or way of engaging in medicine, just prayer.

So now the government and scientists and doctors are trying to find some way of alleviating their utter sense of helplessness, on our expense. The more they counted and checked and tried to dominate, the more the deaths mounted, may HY save us. Like the blood of the prophet Zechariah which boiled incessantly, and Nevuzradon tried to appease it by slaughtering upon it myriads of animals and then people and the Sanhedrin, until even he couldn't stomach the carnage, and asked if Zechariah what does he want - to destroy all of Israel Gd forbid, only then HY said if this evil person already has mercy, so then certainly I will have mercy. Let us scream to HY enough of this madness, our lives and health are completely in Your hands alone, save us from this falsehood already in merit of the holy Petek of Na NaCh NaChMa NaChMaN MayUMaN

Na NaCh NaChMa NaChMaN MayUMaN

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