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Sunday, January 3, 2021

The Rambam's Tomb in Tiberias


Tonight - 20 Teves - is the hillula of the Rambam - Maimonides. There is a tomb for the Rambam in Tiveria even though the Rambam most definitely did not pass away in Israel, and if this is in fact where he is interred that means his body was brought there posthumously. The amazing thing is that this designated place is the home of the tomb of the holy Tana Rabbi Yochanan Ben Zakai and his five prize disciples, on of them being Rabbi Eliezer Hagadol who was the rebbe of Rabbi Akiva, in addition it is the home of the tombs of Rav Ami and Rav Asi who compiled the Babylonian Talmud! All of these holy sages are much greater than the Rambam, they are in very far higher paradigms altogether. So the question is why in the world is this location known and referred to as the Rambam's tomb?! Not only is it very questionable if the Rambam is there, he is not in the league of the great sages who are there! Even Saba Yisroel, our last anchor of truth, referred to this place as the Rambam's tomb.

It seems to me that this is to make it clear, and reinforce and bolster the cause to bring the holy tomb of Rabbi Nachman - Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman - to Israel! Every time there is mention of the Rambam's tomb in Tiveria, we are reminding ourselves to bring the tombs of the tzadikim to Israel!

Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman!

#Nanachnachmanachmanmayuman #nanach #breslov #rambam #maimonides #rabbinachmantoisrael #rambamstomb 

1 comment:

NaNach Noahide said...

Did you try asking the keepers?