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Sunday, May 29, 2022

Flies in the Soup


By the hilula of the Ramchal I met someone (a.f.) I see frequently at holy places, he goes to Uman every year, and he studies diligently the holy books of Rabbainu and even kabala, but I never really talked to him. This time he struck up a conversation and asked me for one connection between the Ramchal and Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman, and with that the conversation was launched, and he received some important information about Nanach. Things became very clear that Nanach is essential and it is the way of the true tzadikim. He had difficulty with this, and tried challenging me, do I not love so and so (he mentioned the name of a somewhat recent litvak rabbi), and how could a person not stand up and show respect for such people with such vast Torah knowledge? He asked this even though he knew that it is said the Baal Shem Tov came to condemn the baizener (-depressing) lamdan (-scholar), even still he felt that some scholars simply deserved respect based on their Torah knowledge, and he proceeded to tell over a Torah argument of the aforementioned scholar regarding the laws of Shabbos,. There is a law that if a fly is in the soup, one can remove it together with some of the liquid, from this the poskim learn that even though boarehr is forbidden, if some "good" is taken with the "bad", it is permitted. The aforementioned scholar says that it is not proof, because the fly is not mixed with the soup, only a minuscule  amount of the liquid is actually mixed in the wings. So when the fly is taken out together with the liquid, it is as if the field is being remove, the good the bad - and the whole surrounding. He was like, how can you not appreciate this logic. The conversation continued but very shortly afterwards he had to leave, and I was left contemplating what relevance this exact example he brought up had to do with the topic of our conversation. It seems quite obvious, that the rabbi who learns for his own devices, and does not abnegate himself to the true tzadik, is likened to a fly, and the liquid is likened to the Torah. One would think that the fly is at least mixed with the Torah, but this aforementioned scholar was resolute, only a minuscule amount of Torah actually mixes with him..... 

Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman

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