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Thursday, February 22, 2018

Great Miracles


In Breslov they always said that the greatest miracles Rabbainu performed were his effective endeavors to save the people from the evil inclination and draw them into holiness and proximity to Hashem Yisburach.

Following this train of thought, that which Rabbainu revealed, and is also found in the Talmud, that when a person successfully withstands some se*ual test or trial he will merit to miracles, the biggest miracles that person can merit to is to be saved from the clutches of evil and impurity and draw closer to Hashem Yisburach. This is actually another revelation of Rabbainu, that before any true meaningful ascent one has to traverse through the trappings of the evil (for many different reasons). Thus these two teachings reinforce one another.

Na Nach Nachma Nachman MeUman! 

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