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Thursday, February 22, 2018

Honest Money


Our Sages revealed that our father Jacob didn't want to retain any of the vast wealth that he gained outside of the Land of Israel, and he gave it all to his brother Esau in return for his share in the Maaras Hamachpaila (double cave of burial).

From this we can learn how much we should despise and detest ill gained money, even with the slightest dishonesty, Gf. Because the Land of Israel is the aspect of Emess - truth and honesty, as it says that Hashem's countenance is there, and we know in the Kabala and the holy books of Rabbainu, that this attribute of Hashem's countenance is the attribute of Emess, thus we know that real truth and honesty can only be achieved and maintained in Israel (-Rabbainu does say in Likutay Moharan 61 that any Jewish settlement anywhere in the world begins to take on the holiness of Israel, but obviously it isn't the same thing). Thus all transaction outside of Israel, no matter how honest they are, they involve some faulty imagination - not everything is completely clear and there are misconceptions inherent in some or all of the aspects of the deal, and therefore Jacob whose main attribute is Emes, as it says in Scriptures, didn't want that money.

Na Nach Nachma Nachman MeUman!

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