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Sunday, November 11, 2018

Bring the Holy Tomb of Rabbi Nachma of Breslov to Israel!


Saba Yisroel, Rabbi Israel Dov Odesser, the key transmitter of the Breslov tradition, prayed and worked diligently with great self sacrifice for forty years to bring the holy tomb of Rabbi Nachma of Breslov to Israel. At one point he succeeded is securing permission from both the Ukrainian and Israeli governments, but immediately after this was broadcasted  on the radio, the so called rabbis of Breslov used every means, including the haredi members of the Knesset, to have it repealed. These charlatans felt that their source of power, money, and honor was at stake, and Saba was in great danger, and he went somewhere private, almost no one knew of his whereabouts.

In Uman for Rosh Hashana, Saba didn't want to have anything to do with these charlatans and their supporters. When they entered the large auditorium where thousands prayed in unison reciting the Shema - Hear O'h Israel Hashem whom is now our Gd, Hashem is One, G-d of everyone, and those who were with Saba were visibly moved by this massive united intense proclamation faith, Saba was unmoved and he said a thousand Rosh Hashana's in Uman won't help them.

Saba told those that were with him that they would make their own minyan (quorum), but they said that they didn't have a Sefer Torah, Saba said, we'll see. They asked the Vaad (the committee who put themselves in charge of Uman) for a Sefer Torah but they were flatly refused. That night one of the head rabbis of the vaad, fell of his bunkbed from the upper bed and broke his leg. The next morning when they wanted to read from the Torah they found a whole in it. The rabbis got the message, and they acceded to send a Sefer Torah to Saba.

Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman! 

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