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Sunday, November 18, 2018

Prayer over Torah


The Ramchal (in Adir Bamarom and in Ginzay Ramchal) revealed that the Torah is the aura of the radiance of the Sefiros, their garment, and from there the souls are rooted. Prayer on the other hand, Rabbainu revealed, is itself Divine!

The litvaks made a few mistakes, one, they seemingly seem to contend that the Torah is G-d Himself, and not just the aura as above. Two, it is therefore best to just hold on to the Torah because that way one is always attached to G-d and there is nothing higher than that, because prayer is just a means not an end and is secondary.

Prayer demands the leap of faith, because as long as one is attached to the Torah he will be attached to HY, and in some ways that is the most preferable as our Sages explained the prophets admonition - if only they would leave Me and take up the Torah its light would return them to be proper, however if one can make the jump, to let go of the lifeline and just pray, then he can achieve absolute unity with G-d. This is like mountain climbing where certain patches cannot be scaled slowly step by step, but demand momentum, to be able to leap from foothold to foothold. Ultimately one should be praying the Torah, to keep the Torah to realize the Torah to be the Torah, and that is the consummate unification of Hashem, the Torah, and the soul (it should be noted that the greatest secrets of the Torah are an aspect of prayer).

Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman! 

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