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Thursday, December 20, 2018

Take Off - a parable


There's a short video clip I just saw, may this be the last and worst of my sins, of a little bird frantically trying to fly off the rail it is perched upon, vigorously and ardently flapping its wings,  but alas apparently its legs are frozen to the bar and it can't get free. So someone cupped their hand around the little bird and blew warm air in until its feet were unfrozen from the rail, and then let the bird fly off.
So it is with our service of Hashem, we can be doing powerful good deeds and Torah learning, but if we are frozen to our place we will not be able to take off, to ascend and fly. We need to be cupped by a Hand and blown upon with His warmth, and then we will be free to fly.

Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman!

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