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Thursday, June 6, 2019

Mastering the Ups and Downs


Rabbi Nachman said that for him the greatest ups were easy to attain, his main devotion lay in bringing it down. So obviously this science and discipline is to be found in his teachings.

There were many great sages and kabalists, and many great revelations and how to merit to attain revelations and Divine Inspiration. But what about all the time in between, when one just can't be there? And one who does merit the ability to bind himself to the supernal, this can be like a fix of holy heroin, a blast out of this mundane world into true holy reality, but what happens next? And even though this is obviously the most holy achievement, can there still be a problem of dependency, need, and addiction?

Rabbainu has the solution!

Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman

1 comment:

Sarah Rochel said...

Excellent post, but you said nothing about what the solution actually is, except that it exists and is provided by Rabbenu z'l.