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Sunday, June 2, 2019

Fear of Gd - the easy way to ascension

Rabbi Nachman revealed an awesome secret, that the spiritual earth that we live on – i.e. the paradigm of our consciousness is fear of Gd. That means if someone wants to gain higher consciousness he simply has to increase and intensify his fear of Gd, and immediately according to his new heightened fear of Gd he will have that much higher conception (see this in Likutay Halachos, Yoreh Daya II, Laws of a First Born Kosher Animal 4:2). The Ramchal writes that when Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai revealed this secret to his disciples he cried expressing his reservations about revealing it. Rabbi Shimon said that Hashem does not desire for people to just jump and ascend to higher levels, rather Hashem wants people to advance by means of their good deeds, but with this revelation even a wicked person can grab very high and serious levels of Divine consciousness.
Rabbainu revealed that many things that were considered secrets of the Torah in former good times have been revealed and have become part of what can be considered as common knowledge. It seems to humble me that this secret of the significance of Fear of Gd may be one of these secrets of former times which today can made known. Particularly because of the very week minds of today, and the utter vacuum of awareness and belief in Gd, even someone who sets his mind to really conjure the magnitude of Gd to put the fear of the Lord in himself, will not be able to do so very readily, and this itself will demand a full regimen of devotions and good deeds. Thus this great secret will only help him focus and help him gain a foothold and direction, but will not be the immediate solution that was feared.
In any event, not only did Rabbi Shimon already reveal it, and the Ramchal, and hints of this can be found in the teachings of the students of the Baal Shem Tov, but Rabbi Nussun in Likutay Halachos also made it extremely clear, so it is just a question of choice now for everyone, if they truly desire then there it is.
Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman

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