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Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Words of Rabbi Nachman articles 6 - 9



The Emptiness of Temptation


The evil inclination <yaitzehr huhruh, usually spelled: yetzer hura> resembles someone who goes and runs amongst people with a closed fist, and no one knows what is inside it. And he deceives people, and asks each one: “What am I holding?” And to each one it seems as If he is holding what he (-that person) desires. And therefore everyone runs after him, because each one thinks that he (-the yetzer hura) has in his hand what he (-each person) desires. And afterwards he (-the yetzer hura) opens his hand and it has nothing in it.[1] Similarly mamash (-exactly) [is] the evil inclination in that he deceives the entire world, and everyone runs after him, and he deceives each and everyone, so that it seems to each and everyone as if he (-the yetzer hura) has in his hand what he (-each one) desires, each one according to his folly and his desire, and afterwards in the end he (-the yetzer hura) opens his hand, and there is nothing in it, because there is no one who fills their desire by him.


All the desires of the world are also similar to beams of light that enter the house from the light of the sun, ostensibly they appear to be shafts due to the shining of the sun. And it is they want to grasp those beams of light, so they grasp and grab but there is nothing in the hand[2], so too are all the desires of this world.[3]




Cajole Your Father In Heaven – Keep Cool and Collected


[These words were said after Shavuos 569 (1809)[4]]

It is very good for someone who is able, to pour out his words before Hashem Yisburach piteously and pleadingly, like a son who yearns before his father, for behold Hashem Yisburach already called us sons, as it is written (Deuteronomy 14:1), “You are sons to Hashem your G-d.” Therefore it is very good to express one's words and troubles before Him Blessed He like a son who complains before his father with cute and endearing motions which are called “piyestin”- (playing, cooing), and even if it seems to someone that in accordance to his conduct he is not like a son before Him Blessed He, even still, behold Hashem Yisburach called us sons, as mentioned above, (because (Kedushin 36a), either way (-whether or not Israel act befittingly) they are called (by You) sons[5]), and if now He banishes me Heaven forbid from the aspect of a son, He shall do what is good in His eyes, (but) it is on me to do my part, to make myself as a son,[6] as mentioned above. And how good it is when one can arouse his heart with entreaties until he cries and sheds tears[7] like a son before his father.[8]


And I heard a story about my grandfather Rabbi Nachman[9] o.b.m., when he was on a boat. One time they didn’t have bread, and they didn’t eat for a few days, until they arrived at some city, and there weren’t any Jews there, just Arabs. And one Arab took the aforementioned Rabbi Nachman and gave him to eat, and he had already not eaten many days, and he washed his hands and made the blessing of “hamoatzee (produces bread from the earth).” And before he began to eat, a thought came to him: “Do not (partake the) bread of the bread of the stingy (“evil eyed”) (Proverbs 23:7),” “And our thoughts are not vain whatsoever,” (so said Rabbi Nachman my aforementioned grandfather when he related this story), “and I did not know what to do, because I had already made the blessing of “hamoatzee,” but even still my mind was set to abstain altogether from eating because of this thought.” Afterwards a thought came to him: “And the ravens I have commanded to provide for you (Kings 1:17:4. Hashem sent Elijah the Prophet food via ravens, known for their greed and cruelty),” and then he ate[10]. (And Rabbainu o.b.m. said, when he was relating this: “And this is deserving and very favorable in my eyes that which he set it based on his thought, that evidently if it came to his mind that it was so, certainly it is truly so[11]).


Similarly regarding all the thoughts that come to a person to confuse him, afterwards Hashem Yisburach helps him and sends him a different thought of drawing close. Like the matter mentioned above, that sometimes it seems to a person that he isn’t worthy of being like a son before Him blessed He and so forth, even still, it is incumbent on him to do his (part) as mentioned above, and afterwards Hashem Yisburach will help him, and send him thoughts of drawing close. Because in reality all of Israel, they are all called sons by Him blessed He, and therefore it is appropriate for us to express our words and our distress before Him blessed He as a son who complains before his father.





When learning matters of calamity, like when learning the laws of mourning and so forth, one shouldn’t study there a lot, because there is no need (-it should be avoided) to delve one’s thought in these places, because thought has great power, as is explained elsewhere[12], and therefore it is necessary to pass quickly through these places.





In the name of the Baal Shem Tov o.b.m., that a knife is not given as a present, that is, that one should not give his friend a knife as a present.

[1] See also the Story of the Pump (published after the 13 Stories of Ancient Times).

[2] See Yichud Ha-Yeeruh of the Ramchal (pg. 313) that the physicality of this world can be likened to a room whose window is a prism, the sun light strikes it and makes all types of colors in the room, and those in the room can only imagine that the sunlight is like that etc. see there.

[3] See also Likutay Moharan 72, that just like today thoughts of idolatry have no substance and are just folly, so too the (physical) beauty and allure of women in reality is just emptiness and folly, see there.

Also, with regard to food, see Likutay Moharan 19, how one can merit to taste and draw sustenance only from the holy letters which are the essence of the food.

See also the Stories of Rabbi Nachman, the Story of the Seven Beggars each beggar negated a different sense or paradigm of this world. The first one, the Blind Beggar didn’t look at this world at all. The second one, the Deaf Beggar didn’t hear the voices of this world at all, and so forth.

Also, it should be noted that according to science, if the world’s actual matter would be condensed together, without all the spaces between the atoms, it would be the size of a ball (and so we find in the holy words of our Sages that HY condensed the entire land of Israel and placed it under Jacob). So even according to science most of the world we live in is nothingness.

[4] The Life of Our Leader Rabbi Nachman 59.

[5] This is the position of Rabbi Meir (and he brings a verse from Jeremiah 4:22), and the Rashb”a in responsa 194 and 242 says that this is the halacha.

[6] See a similar point in article 69, that even if a person feels that Hashem is rejecting him, he must persevere and vanquish Hashem so to speak, see there.

[7] In Likutay Moharan II, Torah-teaching 95, Rabbainu says that thinking about trying to cry is a distraction, rather one should concentrate fully on words of the prayer, and the crying will come naturally, and if it doesn’t that’s also okay.

[8] This paragraph is brought in Outpouring of the Soul, article 17, with similar teachings, see there.

[9] As previously noted in the end of article 4, Rabbi Nachman of Hordenka was a leading disciple of the Baal Shem Tov, his son Simcha married Faygeh the daughter of Adel the daughter of the Baal Shem Tov, and these were the parents of Rabbi Nachman of Breslov. Thus, Rabbainu’s mother was a granddaughter of the Baal Shem Tov, and his father was the son of Rabbi Nachman of Hordenka. Rabbi Nachman of Hordenka visited the Holy Land for the third time in 524 (1764) and passed away there a year later, and he is buried in the old cemetery of Tiberias with other great Chasidic leaders. Rabbainu revealed that one of the reasons for his trip to Israel was to arrange a new way of communicating with his grandfather (The Life of Our Leader Rabbi Nachman 133).

 When Rabbainu made his pilgrimage to the Holy Land he was by his grandfather’s holy tomb. Rabbi

[10] See article 269 about not being confused from thought to thought what to do, and in article 2 the advice to give oneself over to HY so that everything one does should be as He desires. Thus a true Tzadik is riding the desires of the narrative HY scripts to him in his thoughts.

See also Koachvay Ohr, Miracles and Wonders Seen By Rabbainu, article 40, someone asked Rabbainu for his approval to go do business in a certain place which was at war, and Rabbainu’s way was not to be stubborn and force any matter, but even still he wanted to restrain this fellow from going, so Rabbainu told him, “take for yourself the affirmative and the negative equally,” that it, it should be truly equal in his heart whether or not to travel there, and afterwards he should say 5 chapters of Pslams, and afterwards, whatever enters his mind, that is what he should do. So the fellow did this, and afterwards came to Rabbainu and told him that it came to his mind: yes. And Rabbainu was not pleased at all with this, because he knew clear as day that in reality this fellow had not reached the equality in his heart whether or not to go, as was instructed, because in reality because of his desire for money he desired and wanted with all his soul to make the journey etc. see there the full story.

Similarly in Likutay Halachos, Laws of Judges 3 (Brought down in Oatzar Ha-Yira, Din Torah 9), that a judge should look just for the truth without any variation or leaning to any side G-d forbid, and both sides should be truly equal in his eyes, and he should look for the real truth, and then the light of HY which is the utter truth, will permeate him, and thereby illuminate his eyes and he will merit to clarify the true justice.

It is brought down from the contemporary book Shomer Emunim that when one has a thought and arousal to do something good, even though afterwards he is plagued with all types of uncertainties and seriously questions whether it is the proper course of action, he should stay strong with the original thought. From the story of Rabbi Nachman of Hordenka and from some of the citations above, this seems to be questionable advice from beginning to end. First of all, only a Tzadik who lives with equality in his heart, with his only true desire to do the true will of Hashem, only such a Tzadik can rely on his thought. And after that Tzadik had such a thought and even implemented it, he will easily shift and opt to fulfill another holy thought that occurs to him. In his defense, he isn’t really talking about the first thought, but the arousal, which is not in the same context.

As cited above, and from other references, there is special significance to first thoughts, and even still it only applies to people who have elevated thoughts, however, here we see that by the real tzadikim every thought has critical significance.

[11] See Likutay Moharan II Torah-teaching 122, every thought has a full stature/structure, and II:53 the awesome enormous power of a thought, and see Likutay Moharan 54 that every thought, word, and action of a person are hints from HY how to draw close to His service. Also see II:49 that for most people their thought is considered action, because they exist and function only in the (lowest) world of action (aseya). Also see the next article here (8) and the footnotes there.

[12] See Likutay Moharan 193, “know that thought has great power, and if one strengthens and intensifies his thought on any matter in the world, he can achieve that it should be so etc..” And see also Likutay Moharan II 53, “The utter great preciousness of thought has become known to me now, that thought is very, very precious, that from it is done actually complete matters that endure all the days of the world’s existence etc..”




#nanach #nanachnachmanachmanmayuman #translation #breslov #englishbreslov #wordsofrabbinachman #rabbinachman #thought #thoughts #present #knife #baalshemtov #rabbinachmanhordenka #breakbread #stingy #temptation #void #emptiness #evilinclination #yetzerhura

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Don't count the people - a NaNaCh song to save from the falsehood of corona

Stop counting and start dancing NaNaCh

HH the Torah warns not to count the people, counting them brings on plague RL, and so it was with King David, he counted the people and they were smitten. In fact Jews were also stringent never to count any groups of people, even when they gather for a minyan (quorum of ten) they don't count directly but use a verse of ten words.
Scientists will resent this, they can't accept it, they will fight it, especially since science is just about counting and measuring (the very things that are against blessings which come when things are kept private). So the scientists got busy to count what they can with corona, and the more they count the higher the fatalities, may HY save us.
In addition, the longer this madness of regulations and lockdown mentality continues the more crushed people feel, and that is the antithesis to healing. Joy brings healing. So the more the politicians and scientists crush the people, the more prone and susceptible they are, may HY save us, to illness.
Maybe  the courageous NaNaCh can go out there, into the protests, to dance and celebrate NaNaCh and shlep the others into the dancing, to bring the gloom to happiness and rejoicing, this would be a great salvation.
Na NaCh NaChMa NaChMaN MayUMaN

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Figurine of Simcha NaNaCh by eight year old C.W.

#figurine #sculpture #artsandcrafts #nnnnm #nanach #na_nach #na_nach_nachma_nachman_mayuman #nanachnachmanachmanmeuman #rabbinachman #nachman #nachmanism #judaism #breslov #hafatza #israel #breslover

Justice for RBG on Rosh Hashana

ב"ה הרמח"ל כותב היום הרת עולם, הריון, הראש השנה של העיבור, וניסן ראש השנה של הלידה. נ נח
HH fascinating that RBG who from what I understand was a judge responsible for the murder of millions of fetuses was taken from this world when HY takes the position of Judge and the world enters the state of conception of a fetus. Even more fascinating is that she died at 87 years old, which is the number of days in three months of 29, that is the amount of time it takes for a woman's pregnancy to be discernible (see Tractate Nidda 8b, this is really 3 months of 30, and according to one opinion in the Tosfos Yom Tov possibly one or two of those months can be only 29, thus RBG didn't make it to the full 3)!

Also her death from complications of pancreatic cancer RL - many women suffer from problems of the pancreas after abortions.


#nanach #nanachnachmanachmanmayuman #rbg #abortion #justice #breslov #fetus #pregnancy #roshhashana

Friday, September 18, 2020

דף יומי - עירובין דף מ סבא בא לרבינו בערב ראש השנה

ב"ה בדף יומי של היום - עירובין דף מ, מדבר על ראש השנה שחל להיות בשבת! ואיתא שם לפי גירסת רש"י, שהחכמים שלחו את רב ייבא סבא - יב"א ראשי תיבות ישראל בער אודסר (ואם תאמר יש עוד י' -אז עודעשר...) בערב ראש השנה לרב חסדא (הרב של חסד... נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן)! ורב חסדא אמר לו שהוא בא לו כי היה צריך המקום - שזה ממש הענין של ראש השנה של הצדיק כמבואר בלקוטי מוהר"ן תנינא א', עד שתגיע למקומו.

מא – והנה בראש השנה גופא ראיתי במפרשים שהביאו שיש ענין לצום אפילו בלי השלמת היום שבכי האי גוונא לא עולה להתחשב לצום, כדי להשתתף בצער, ובזה אולי אחד מהטעמים הכי חזקים ששמעתי על מה שרוב העולם לא זכו להיות השנה אצל רבינו, כי לא אפשר להפליג בשמחתינו כנהוג כאשר העולם מדוכא ומעונה בשקר הקרונה. (וכן בחיי מוהר"ן אות קפו ז"ל אינו נכון שהם יהיו בצער ואני בשמחה. כי בשלמא אם לא הייתי נשרף רק הם בעצמן הייתי מכרח להצטער עמהם, כי מחמת שיש לישראל צער כזה גם אני מכרח לסבל עמהם להצטער עמם בצערתם. אבל עכשו שגם ביתי נשרף, ובודאי אני צריך לקבל באהבה ובשמחה וכו' ע"ש). 

נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן

#uman #umanroshhashana #umanroshhashana2020 #breslov #nanach #nanachnachmanachmanmayuman #rabbinachman #dafyomi #eruvin #saba

Thursday, September 17, 2020

שנת התשפא

ב"ה שנת השפא"ת יהיה תיקון לשפעת. בזכות הפתק הקדוש נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

עיקר קדושת ארץ ישראל, קדושת אבן השתיה, זה רק אצל הצדיק הדור נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן.


מבועי הנחל חשון תשמ"ג עמ' פ
כאשר ר' נחמן הורדנקה רצה לנסוע לארץ ישראל, הבעש"ט אמר לו שילך קודם למקוה. הוא ה לך, ובטבילתו הא' ראה את ארץ ישראל, בטבילה הב' את ירושלים, בג' הר הבית, ובד' היה צריך לראות את ארון הברית אך לא ראה דבר. כאשר שב לבעש"ט ספר לו זאת והשתומםם מכך שלא ראה את הארון. אז הבעש"ט אמר לו, "כלום אפשר לראות את הארון, אם נמצא הוא במז'בוז?!"

נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן

#ארץישראל #קדושתהארץ #קדושתארץישראל #ארון #ארוןהקודש #ארוןהברית #צדיק #הצדיק #בעלשםטוב #רבינחמןהורדנקה #ננח #ננחנחמנחמןמאומן #רבינחמן #ברסלב

Blossoms of the Spring - Letter 81


Letter 81

B.H. (Baruch Hashem), Chanuka 724 [Wednesday, 11-18 December, 1963]

In honor of the president of Israel, Mr. S.Z. Shazar, my eyes and my heart, who draws waters of wisdom of the Tzadik the true[1] Sage, to quench the thirst of his precious soul, and to give of them to drink to the precious souls of Israel, who are cast and reeling in the filthy polluted spirit of foolishness and fallacy of heresy and fallacious faiths, which are the aspect of the waters of the flood which strengthen to destroy the world, and the Tzadik is the main cure and salvation from their filthy stench and impurity – Shalom and long life, good life, true life, eternal life.


See my brother! From out of enormous and strong love which is in my heart for you, I placed before you the true life of the true Tzadik, who is the Bal Tefeela (-man or master of prayer, or prayer leader. This role is portrayed in Rabbi Nachman’s story of the Bal Tefeela, see there), he is the summation of the awesome Seven Beggars (-another story of Ancient Times by Rabbi Nachman) – “and you should choose life, in order that you should live (Deuteronomy 30:19),” and have length of days on your kingdom (cf. Deuteronomy 17:20), for the renown and splendor of Israel, in the land which Hashem gave us with a strong hand, with miracles, and wonders in Egypt, and Jordon, and Syria, and all the nations which “surround also encompass me (Psalms 118:11),” from all sides to destroy us, Heaven forbid. On Chanuka each one draws in his house the holiness of the (candle) lights of the menorah, which are the aspect of the light of the true Tzadik, who is Moshe-Messiah, who kindles and illuminates all the souls of Israel in great light even in all types of darkness and gloom (/darkness), and saves them from the torrent of flood water of heresies and false faiths, which bring the world to desolation and void, Heaven forbid.




נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן

Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman


ספר אבי הנח"ל – הוצאת נקדות טובות – מהמכתבים המקוריים


מכתב פא


ב"ה חנוכה תשכ"ד

לכבוד נשיא ישראל מר ש.ז.שזר עיני וליבי, השואב מימי החכמה של הצדיק החכם האמת, לרוות צמאון נפשו היקרה ולהשקות בהם נפשות ישראל היקרים, המושלכים ומתגוללים בזוהמת הרוח שטות וטעות של המינות ואמונות כזביות, שהם בחינת מימי המבול המתגברים להחריב את העולם, והצדיק הוא עיקר הרפואה וההצלה מזוהמתם וטומאתם שלום וחיים ארוכים, חיים טובים, חיים אמיתיים, חיים נצחיים.

ראה אחי, מאהבה עצומה וחזקה אשר בליבי אליך, נתתי לפניך את החיים האמיתיים של הצדיק האמת, שהוא הבעל תפילה, הוא כלליות השבעה בעטלירס הנוראים, ובחרת בחיים, למען תחיה והארכת ימים על ממלכתך, לשם ולתפארת ישראל, בארץ אשר נתן לנו ה' ביד חזקה ובאותות ומופתים במצרים וירדן וסוריא וכל העמים אשר סבוני גם סבבוני מכל צד להשמידנו, חס ושלום. בחנוכה ממשיך כל אחד בביתו קדושת נרות המנורה, שהם בחינת אור הצדיק האמת, שהוא משה משיח, שמדליק ומאיר כל נפשות ישראל באור גדול גם בכל מיני חושך ואפילה, ומצילם משטף מימי המבול של כפירות ואמונות של שקר, שמביאים העולם לתוהו ובוהו, חס ושלום.



#nanach #nanachnachmanachmanmayuman #blossomsofthespring #chanuka #sabayisroel #yisroeldovodesser #breslov #englishbreslov #letter #letter81 #RabbiNachman #translation #moshemashiach #1963 #flood

[1] Alternately, “true” is also going on the Tzadik: the true Tzadik and Sage.

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

The brazen-faced against the Tzadik instigate great wars against themselves

HH Rabbi Nachman wrote in Sefer Hamidos, entry of Brazenness 2:1
When it is seen that the world is brazen-faced against the Tzadik, they should know that certainly great wars will be aroused on this country.
Rabbainu said that his Rosh Hashanah is the most important thing, and the whole world is contingent upon it. The Ukraine acted brazenly against Rabbainu out of fear of Corona which they are and will be hit with anyway just like every other country, even as the death count is equal or lower this year than previous years. However, now they have a real danger to fear, war. Good luck with that.
Rabbainu wrote (Sefer Hamidos Tzadik 148): A City that obeys the Tzadik, no war is heard in it, and there are no upheavals or evil tidings.
He also wrote there (192):
Through sitting at the table of the Tzadik, war is annulled.

Ukraine wasn't interested in avoiding and preventing war, they were brazen-faced against Rabbainu, they said they were worried about corona, and now they have real worries of war.

This isn't the first time, at least once in the past when the government was set on making an entrance fee to the holy tomb, right then Putin gave them a little stimulus for them to drop their edicts on the holy tomb and devote their full attention to the war they are still waging to this day, and now it looks like things just got a whole lot worse for them.

However I have to admit my predictions have not been very on target in the past. So this will be very interesting to see what happens.

Na NaCh NaChMa NaChMaN MayUMaN

#war #ukraine #uman #umanroshhashana #rabbinachman #breslov #corona #nanach #nanachnachmanachmanmayuman #seferhamidos #character #brazenness #tzadik

זכות הצדיק יגן עלינו

בסליחות של השבוע לפני ראש השנה, יום רביעי - באשמרת הבקר קראתיך, אומרים: ואם נתיב ארחי מעקל, ודיני כשור הנסקל, שקלה בפלס מהולל, איש מפשעים מחולל, עד כאן.
ובתומי חשבתי שהפירוש הפשוט שאנחנו מעוררים זכותו של משה רבינו או של משיח צדקנו שעליו אמר הנביא ישעיהו (פרק נג) - והוא מחולל מפשעינו מדכא מעונתינו מוסר שלומנו עליו ובחברתו נרפא לנו, עיין שם שלכאורה מבואר להדיא שכן יש את הענין הזה שנוכל לסמוך עליו.
אכן בפירוש הסליחות לא רצו לפרש כן, ופרשו - שהאדם נוצר עם יצר הרע מנעוריו ולכן דין הוא שתרחם עליו, וציינו לפירוש רש"י בתהלים על הפסוק הן בעון חוללתי ובחטא יחמתני אמי (נא:ז) הן בעון חוללתי - ואיך לא אחטא ועיקר יצירתי על ידי תשמיש הוא שכמה עוונות באים על ידו, דבר אחר עיקר יצירתי מזכר ונקבה שכולם מלאים עון. עד כאן. ועיין בויקרא רבה יד:ה.

ברוך השם שאנחנו יודעים קצת מהצדיק.

נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן

I don't believe in the religion of corona I sing Na NaCh NaChMa NaChMaN ...

Monday, September 14, 2020

Ukraine must allow the Jews to visit the tombs of those they murdered

HH The entire Ukraine is drenched with the blood of the Jews they murdered. In Uman they murdered 30,000 - not with bullets, but each Jew was stabbed and knifed to death personally and individually, may HY save us. It took a few days and there was literally a river of blood that flowed out. Despite this, the Jews have only returned goodness and brought prosperity. The very president and prime minister of the Ukraine are Jewish. The Ukraine has experienced high rates of Carona something the world still hasn't figured out how to contain. Unfortunately a tiny fraction of Carona results in fatality mainly among people with other serious ailments in advanced old age. To try to prevent the spread of the virus a few governments have tried imposing lockdowns which have not really proven to be effective, and at best just delay the spreading for a week or two. How can this be an excuse for the Ukraine to deny the Jews the right to visit the holy graves of the Jews the Ukrainians murdered in cold blood?! They can murder Jews to their hearts content, may HY save us, and just waltz away without acknowledgement and without even the most minimal civility of allowing visitation of the tombs of the murdered?! You murdered and also inherit (Kings 1:21:19)?! They want to claim that the Jews are a threat to them?! If the Jews are a threat to them, let the president and prime minister resign instantly, and let them relinquish their hold on the holy tombs buried in their land and allow us to bring them to Israel forthright. Enough of their harsh edicts and atrocities against the Jews.
Na Nach Nachma Nachman Mayuman

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Sunday, September 13, 2020

Blossoms of the Spring - Volume 3 Letter 385 - Proliferation of Falsehood to Capacity and then it gets Turned Around


Blossoms of the Spring

Volume 3 – Letter 385 (-really should be 386)


The falsehood strengthens and spreads out now to the length and breadth, exceedingly without limit, to mislead the world, Heaven forbid, from Hashem Yisburach and from His holy Torah, and already many have been caught and trapped in what they have been trapped by the falsehood. (But even still, the falsehood has not yet reached its pacification and repose…) But even still, the falsehood has not yet completed to come to its pacification and its repose, and therefore it strengthens and spreads out every time with new lies and deceit without limit, like we see by the group of the heretics and the opposers of the true point… And it channels always to have everyone caught in many, many types of seductions and strayful enticements and smooth talking, because before it comes to the tachlis (apex) of its completeness it doesn’t have repose or rest, and therefore it strengthens and spreads out each time with lies, and deceit, and new deceit without limit, and it channels always to grab everyone Heaven forbid in its lies, with many, many types of seductions, and strayful enticements, and smooth talking, until (it has reaches) its completeness. However, through the exceeding spreading of the falsehood, when the time and moment (-a Hebrew synonym for time) comes that the falsehood spreads out so much to its fullness, until it is close to its pacification and repose, Heaven forbid, that almost everyone will error in its falsehood and vain swindling, precisely then the truth will be revealed, and everyone will draw close to Hashem Yisburach in truth, and “the language of truth will be established forever etc. (Proverbs 12:19, Likutay Moharan 66),” because specifically through the proliferation of the falsehood so very, very much, the falsehood will be turned around to the truth, that all the nations will be turned around to the truth, “to call out in the name of Hashem (Tzifanya 3:9).” And this is: “Because then I will turn around for all the nations etc. (-beginning of the verse).”


The fools and imbeciles don’t know and understand this matter: What is this (that) Hashem did, “When the wicked flourish like grass and the evildoers sprout, to exterminate them forever (Psalms 92:8)” – why does He have them flourish, (and) just to destroy them forever? However, in reality, the ways of Hashem are just, “and there is no injustice by Him (Psalms 92:16),” just that it is impossible to understand this with any human intellect.




נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן

Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman


ספר אבי הנחל – הוצאת נקדות טובות – מהמכתבים המקוריים

חלק ג

מכתב שפה (אכן יש טעות בספר, וזה כבר מספר שפו)


השקר מתגבר ומתפשט עכשיו לאורך ולרוחב מאד בלי שיעור, להטעות את כל העולם, חס ושלום, מהשם יתברך ומתורתו הקדושה, וכבר נתפסו רבים ונלכדו במה שנלכדו על ידי השקר. (אבל אף על פי כן עדיין לא בא השקר למרגועו ומנוחתו...) אבל אף על פי כן, עדיין לא השלים השקר לבוא למרגועו ומנוחתו, ועל כן הוא מתגבר ומתפשט בכל פעם בשקרים ורמאות חדשות בלי שיעור, כמו שאנו רואין שכת האפיקורסים והמתנגדים על נקודת האמת...והוא חותר תמיד לתפוס הכל בכמה וכמה מיני פיתויים והסתות ודברי חלקלקות, כי קודם שבא לתכלית שלמותו אין לו מרגוע ומנוח, ועל כן הוא מתגבר ומתפשט בכל פעם בשקרים ורמאות ורמאויות חדשות בלי שיעור, והוא חותר תמיד לתפוס הכל ח"ו בשקריו, בכמה וכמה מיני פיתויים והסתות ודברי חלקלקות, עד שלמותו. אבל על ידי התפשטות השקר השקר ביותר, כשיגיע העת והזמן שיתפשט השקר כל כך במלואו, עד שהוא סמוך למרגועו ומנוחתו, חס ושלום, שכמעט יטעו הכל בשקריו על ידי ריבוי השקר כל כך מאד מאד, יתהפך השקר אל האמת, שיתהפכו כל העמים אל האמת, לקרוא בשם ה'. וזהו: "כי אז אהפוך אל כל העמים" וכו'.
הכסילים והבוערים אינם יודעים ומבינים ענין זה: מה זה עשה ה', "בפרוח רשעים כמו עשב ויציצו כל פועלי און, להשמדם עדי עד" - למה לו להפריחם - ולהשמידם עדי עד? אבל באמת, ישרים דרכי ה' ולא עולתה בו, רק שאי אפשר להבין זאת בשום שכל אנושי.

#nanach #nanachnachmanachmanmayuman #breslov #blossomsofthespring #saba #sabayisroel #yisroeldovodesser #volume3letter385 #falsehood #lies #deceit #truth #capacity #englishbreslov 

Saba Yisroel opened up for insight into our times

Blossoms of the Spring - Letter 94

Letter 94

B.H. (Baruch Hashem). Rosh Chodesh (-first of the month of) Kislev 725 [Thursday-Friday, 5 November, 1964]

In honor of the (-Dear) President of Israel, my eyes and my heart, Mr. S.Z. Shazar, who graces and honors with all types of charm and splendor the true guardians of the city[1], who cherish him with great and inordinate affection for by virtue of his great precious refined soul he merited to distinguish and to understand the real truth, which is a new secret weapon, which vanquishes and destroys the falsehood and the top head of all impurities[2] of false faiths and superficial wisdoms, which destroy and desolate the world with heresy and apostasy and bring all the hardships and evils of the world, may the Merciful One save us.


Shalom and blessing and all good.


My heart, my precious (one). For a long time it has been very difficult for me[3] the task of writing, because the malady of old age overcame me exceedingly. My eyes dimmed, and my hands unsteadied, and my knees lapse, and my strength saps and dwindles from day to day. Hashem knows and is witness, that you dwell in my heart always, and my heart is broken, and crushed, and full of bitterness over my not meriting to vitalize you and to bring joy to your soul with the words of the true sage and leader, who consoles (-minachem – similar to Nachman), and brings joy, and vitalizes the soul of all the living, for generations eternally.


With all my heart and my soul I express and I arrange before you my loyal blessing, a blessing of “Welcome (Baruch Habuh – blessed is he who came),” to your dear and very honorable brother, whom Hashem did great (kindness) with him[4] and merited him to come and step on holy land, in the land of our delight/desire and our life, our serenity and our hope, the place of faith and holy wisdom, the place set up to become wise and to become acquaintance with the truth. The place from which the light of the truth will go out to the whole world, the place to which the eyes of all of Israel are uplifted. May he carry blessing from Hashem (Psalms 24:5), and may He finalize with him with His wondrous kindnesses for his eternal benefit. Blessings of Mazal Tov for your 75th birthday. May Hashem add upon you and your house(hold) good and long life, new life, faithful and refreshing, life of blessing and success in all that you send out your hand (-endeavor) for the benefit of our nation and our land, life that you merit to break all the concealments, and impediments, and preoccupations, and hinderances from drawing close to the truth, life that you should merit to insert in your heart, and in the heart of the whole nation, the light of the true Tzadik, who is the main vitality and sustenance of the world, that through him the world will be completely new, because he will turn around the world from falsehood to truth, from absolute heresy to complete faith, from darkness to great light, speedily in our days, amen.


The blessing of your friend and your loyal servant and devoted with all (of my) heart and soul, in truth.


Yisroel Dov Odesser




נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן

Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman


Blossoms of the Spring

ספר אבי הנחל – הוצאת נקדות טובות – לפי המכתבים המקוריים


מכתב צד


ב"ה ראש חודש כסליו תשכ"ה

לכבוד נשיא ישראל, עיני וליבי, מר ש.ז.שזר, החונן ומכבד בכל מיני חן ופאר את נטורי קרתא האמיתיים, החובבים אותו בחיבה גדולה ויתרה על אשר בגודל יקר אצילות נפשו זכה להבחין ולהבין האמת האמיתי, שהוא נשק סודי חדש, שמנצח ומשמיד את השקר ואבי אבות הטומאה של אמונות כזביות וחכמות חיצוניות, שמשחיתים ומחריבים את העולם במינות וכפירות ומביאים לכל הצרות והרעות שבעולם, רחמנא ליצלן.

שלום וברכה וכל טוב.

ליבי, יקירי. זה זמן רב שמאד היה קשה לי מלאכת הכתיבה, כי מחלת הזקנה גברה עלי ביותר. עיני כהו וידי רופפו וברכי כשלו וכוחי תש ומתמוטט מיום ליום. ה' יודע ועד, שאתה שוכן בליבי תמיד, וליבי שבור ורצוץ ומלא מרירות על שאיני זוכה להחיותך ולשמח נפשך בדברי החכם המנהיג האמת, שמנחם ומשמח ומחיה נפש כל חי לדורות עולם.

בכל ליבי ונפשי אביע ואערוך לפניך את ברכתי הנאמנה, ברכת ברוך הבא לאחיך היקר ונכבד מאד, אשר הגדיל ה' לעשות עימו וזיכהו לבוא ולדרוך על אדמת קודש, בארץ חמדתנו וחיותנו, מנוחתנו ותקותנו, מקום האמונה והחכמה דקדושה, מקום מוכן להתחכם ולהכיר האמת, מקום שממנו תצא אור האמת לכל העולם, מקום אשר עיני כל ישראל נשואות אליו. ישא ברכה מאת ה', ויגמור עימו בנפלאות חסדיו לטובתו הנצחי. ברכת מזל טוב, ליום הולדתך השבעים וחמש. יוסף ה' עליך ועל ביתך חיים טובים וארוכים, חיים חדשים, נאמנים ורעננים, חיים של ברכה והצלחה בכל אשר תשלח ידך לטובת עמנו וארצנו, חיים שתזכה לשבר כל ההסתרות ומניעות וטרדות ועיכובים מלהתקרב אל האמת, חיים שתזכה להכניס בליבך ובלב כל העם אור הצדיק האמת, שהוא עיקר החיות וקיום העולם שעל ידו יהיה העולם חדש לגמרי, כי יהפוך כל העולם משקר לאמת, מכפירה גמורה לאמונה שלמה, מחושך לאור גדול, במהרה בימינו, אמן.

ברכת אוהבך ועבדך הנאמן והמסור בכל לב ונפש, באמת.

ישראל דב אודסר


[1] “Netooray Karta” are an infamous group of zealots especially against the Zionist regime, thus Saba disregards them and refers to the “true” guardians.

[2] The laws of impurity delineate many levels of impurity, the highest – that is the worst and most repugnant – level of impurity is called: Ahvee (father, head of the classification) ahvoas (of the fathers) of impurity.

[3] Saba uses the opening words of the Petek – the letter he received from Rabbi Nachman.

[4] Cf. Psalms 126:2-3. 

Today I was convinced that everyone should start saying Psalm 109 for the eradication of the evil politicians, doctors, media and others who are imposing all types of cruel senseless and harmful regulations on the world, in the name of science and health, which they have replaced for the truth of the Torah, and they have risen to play G-d over the masses. Before launching the campaign I decided to see what Saba said, and I learned of the new secret weapon which is much better geared to save us.

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