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Sunday, September 20, 2020

Justice for RBG on Rosh Hashana

ב"ה הרמח"ל כותב היום הרת עולם, הריון, הראש השנה של העיבור, וניסן ראש השנה של הלידה. נ נח
HH fascinating that RBG who from what I understand was a judge responsible for the murder of millions of fetuses was taken from this world when HY takes the position of Judge and the world enters the state of conception of a fetus. Even more fascinating is that she died at 87 years old, which is the number of days in three months of 29, that is the amount of time it takes for a woman's pregnancy to be discernible (see Tractate Nidda 8b, this is really 3 months of 30, and according to one opinion in the Tosfos Yom Tov possibly one or two of those months can be only 29, thus RBG didn't make it to the full 3)!

Also her death from complications of pancreatic cancer RL - many women suffer from problems of the pancreas after abortions.


#nanach #nanachnachmanachmanmayuman #rbg #abortion #justice #breslov #fetus #pregnancy #roshhashana

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