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Monday, March 15, 2021

The big rift between the so called experts no different than medieval times


In Sichos Haran - The Words of Rabbi Nachman, article 50, Rabbi recounts how the medical experts in Lemberg were radically split and divided in how to treat certain diseases. Each camp was diametrically opposite the other, so that if e.g. one side claimed it to critical for the patient not to eat sweets, and just eat sours, the other camp claimed that by doing so the patient would be greatly endangering himself and make things much worse, and it was critical for the patient to do just the opposite, only eat sweets and not sours.

Rabbainu continued to say that it was really impossible to determine who was correct, because although at times it would seem that one side was correct, at other times it would seem the opposite.

See there at length, how it becomes apparent that even the greatest of experts really have no idea of what needs to be done.

Today, with the advent of modern medicine, and all the haughtiness that comes with it, we can see that the experts are expert in dressing up the issues in fancy terminology and technology, but they still have no clue of what to do, and the current plandemic of covid, is the case in point. The best guidelines most of the so called experts have issued are no more advanced than the masks and quarantines of the medieval ages.

Furthermore we are now seeing the exact point that Rabbainu raised, the radical diametrical dichotomy between the experts. Take for example Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche who is a leading global environmental virologist, three days ago he put out a video (I would post a link, but the video I saw has already been banned by the vigilant big tech keepers of the world) where he proves that mass vaccination can lead to catastrophe G-d forbid, meanwhile so many other so called experts are saying just the opposite, without the mass vaccination there will be catastrophe G-d forbid. So there is the marvellous progress of modern science and medicine. 

Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman

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Ämichai J. Schneller said...
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Ämichai J. Schneller said...

posting... keep posting. (sorry for typo)