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Sunday, October 31, 2021

Bind yourself to the Tzadik at all times


The baalay mussar (School and Systems of Rabbi Yisroel Salanter) wrote that a person should be careful to draw close to a tzadik only when he is on the rise, because they feared that when the tzadik was having a descent the person would be susceptible to also suffer discouragement and so forth. This obviously has to do with their weak idea of the tzadik, something along the lines of someone very motivated, dedicated and devoted to HY, and very talented and smart, and so forth, and so when this person is suffering a low, there may be some manifestation of vice.

Rabbi Nachman says a tzadik is completely beyond our comprehension, and thus it is very difficult to learn anything at all from him when he is thriving and rising, therefore a person has to be diligent to bind himself to the tzadik at all times, that way he might be lucky to detect when the tzadik has a descent, and in that time he has the opportunity to learn and gain enormously from the tzadik. 

The tradition in Breslov is that until the coming of the Messiah there will be no true contemporary rabbis, whoever is true will be unwilling to present himself as a rabbi, and whoever is does present themselves as a rabbi will not be true. Thus we are binding ourselves to Rabbainu. Now as long as Rabbainu was living, he had ups and downs in whatever level or paradigm he was in, but now that he is in the world of truth, he only ascends, this makes it very difficult to gain directly from Rabbainu. This needs further thought and development BH.

Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman

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