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Tuesday, June 28, 2022

My body or not my body

HH it's amazing that one solitary debate in the Talmud has been taken up so heatedly. It is also safe to say that despite all the passion and heat, they don't touch an iota of the intensity of actual Talmud.
עובר ירך אמו - עובר לאו ירך אמו
Is a fetus considered to be a limb of its mother, or independent. (Both opinions however would forbid abortion unless the fetus was threatening the life of the mother).

Imagine that, yeshiva boys have been debating and analyzing and contemplating this for years, and people deem them to be detached from reality.....

That is just one of who knows how many important questions the Talmud configures.

And the entire Talmud can be understood in a different way, according to each and every introductory Torah of Rabbi Nachman.

Na NaCh NaChMa NaChMaN MAyUMaN 

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