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Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Rioting - inflation - Food Shortages in America


This seems appropriate to what is going on in America now.

Dream from Saba, transcribed and translated:

This night I had a dream, such a dream….. 

There was a fire, fires, everyone was burned, all the non-Jews were burned along with all their money. Only in places where there were Jews, there were no fires, the fires were only among the non-Jews, not among us. Throughout America, among the non-Jews, there were fires, they remained without bread, in America and in Russia.


The President of America, Bush, he was a hater of Israel, he lost all his money and was left impoverished, he had nothing, not even enough to buy bread. Everyone was burned in fires and only he and one son remained, and the son cried: 

“Father, have mercy on me, give me bread!”

Bush said to him, “My son, I have no money. One who has no money, has no bread!” 

“Father, I want bread, I’m hungry, I need bread.” 

Bush said, “I have no money, I also have no bread, I have nothing, I don’t know what to do. I have no money, if there is no money – there is no bread.” 

Bush was very rich, he had businesses, everything was burned and not enough remained even to buy bread. There were fires, and all the money was turned to ashes, but among the Jews there were no fires, only among the non-Jews. Well, what do you say about a dream like that? 

Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman


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