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Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Don't be stingy

HH one of the elements of Chasidus I think, is not to be stingy reacting to holiness. When it comes to worldly desires, everyone is ooing and ahing and moaning over every little pleasure, overating the tiny ephemeral emptiness of it. Try doing that with good deeds. Rabbainu said (CM 485 - gematria Psalms!) saying a chapter of Tehilim well is like a having a tasty drink of Punch. Smack your lips. Belt out the ahs. When you see something holy or worthy, praise it, brag and boast of it - this is not hubris, it his holy brazenness, hit it up. Rejoice and revel in it. Unfortunately most of this type of thing is only accorded to the vanities of the world, leabing the kingdom of holiness desolate.
There is a great deal more that needs to be said here, but at least I got this much down.
Na NaCh NaChMa NaChMaN MAyUMaN 

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