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Saturday, March 3, 2018

Healing by the Torah

Rabbainu merited to hear the callings of Mt. Sinai of the giving of the Torah, so how wasn't he healed even physically immediately - we know that all those present by the giving of the Torah were healed and completely sound in body, mind, and soul.
This has to do with another problem, Rabbainu said that when Israel has the greatest tzadik like Moshe, that tzadik can bring prophecy even into the lowest of Israel, as was evidence by the splitting of the sea, that even the maidservant had prophecy. So how come Rabbainu didn't bring prophecy to his votaries?

All of Israel have to be present and connected to the tzadik. As long as the tzadik is operating solo, or with just a few adherents, the effect can not be brought into this world, it remains only a personal spiritual height of the tzadik.

That is what I wrote B"H 8/20/17, today 3/4/2018 I am happy to add that Rabbainu himself said something similar, in Sichos Huran - The Words of Rabbi Nachman, article 157, Rabbainu said that according to the abundance of Torah he already said regarding the lungs he should have been healed, just due to the lack of faith of the listeners, who aren't strong in their faith, he wasn't healed.

Na Nach Nachma Nachman MeUman!

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