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Saturday, March 31, 2018

Karpas or chazeres - what are they?

It seems that no one really knows for sure what carpas or chazeres really are, and there are so many different opinions. It occurred to me that the Holy Sages in their great wisdom and mercy specifically kept this extremely ambiguous in order to guarantee the permissibility of many different vegetables. The Sages knew very well the trend of orthodoxy to always seek more and more restrictions, and as we actually see how rice was forbidden by many, and then a slew of other things, and the Ashkenazim forbid legumes - kitneyos altogether, so by keeping the true identity of the Karpas hidden, and cultivating so many divergent opinions as to what it may be, and everyone must eat Karpas, thus propping open the door for the allowance of many foods on Pesach which no one can forbid.

Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman

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