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Tuesday, March 6, 2018

The Praises of Rabbi Nachman - part 2 - His Voyage to Israel 26-27

Shivchay HuRan
Part 2
And on their voyage from Galutz to their home, they traveled by way of the Holy community of Yas (-Iași the second largest city of Romania), and there was a big epidemic there (-of typhus), and they had great suffering in every single city and in every single town. And it was also difficult to cross the grenets (-border, in Yiddish) because of this, because then, even holding up quarantine (-actual word used!) wasn't effective for (-against) this from these types of places. And Hashem Yisburach was to their succor, and they were saved from everything, from pestilence, and sword (-war), and famine, and thirst, and captivity, for all of these they had (experienced). And with the kindness of a Hashem they escaped from all of them, and they came to their house in peace, "peace in his body, peace in his money, and peace in his Torah (-The Torah says that Jacob arrived "shulaim-complete," and our Sages (Shabbos 33a) enumerated; complete, i.e. healthy in body, complete i.e. not wanting in money, and complete in his knowledge of Torah, the Hebrew word for complete is very similar in many aspects to the word shalom-peace, and often they are interchangeable, and on this very verse Rabbainu interchanges them in Torah 27 of Likutay Moharan), because he merited to wondrous hasaga (-spiritual conception) in the Land of Israel, extremely enormous and lofty, infinite to no end and no tachlis (-purpose).

Until here we related a little, a tiny bit like a drop in the ocean of the enormous troubles, and adventures, and the huge dangers, and the severe suffering, and the great fears that Rabbainu o.b.m. had on his voyage to the Land of Israel, on the way there and back. And Hashem Yisburach was to his succor, and did with him wondrous, awesome miracles all the time and at every moment, and he merited to finish completely what he desired, and "he entered in peace and departed in peace (-said of Rabbi Akiva's ascension to paradise)," and he came to his home in peace.

Na Nach Nachma Nachman Meuman

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