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Sunday, January 14, 2018

Slaves of Time


Movies drag a person down into the confines of time. This is something that becomes apparent especially when reading the awesome exposition of Rabbi Nussun in Likutay Halachos (Yoreh Daya 2), Laws of Circumcision (4), where he elaborates on the principles Rabbainu revealed about time, mainly that in reality there is no time, just according to the deficiency of daas, as can be seen with dreams when one isn't cognizant a few minutes can seem like eternity with elaborate plots of tens of years transpiring, so time imposes itself proportionately, so that the more daas one has the less he is restrained by time, and his time includes in it vast inordinate amounts of time of those with lesser daas, and a true tzadik has daas which transcends time altogether. This Rabbainu revealed in his Stories of Ancient Times, the story of the Seven Beggars, the Blind Beggar of the first day, is connected to the sense of sight. Thus the Blind Beggar who merited to transcend time was completely blind of the physicality of this world, which didn't amount in his eyes to even an eyeblink. According to the kabala, sight is a feminine sense, and the person who is seeing is on the receiving end. Rabbi Nussun explains a theme found already in Kabala and chasidus that time is a feminine aspect, time specific, the 28 different time enumerated in Koheles, all of these designations are the female aspects which is the vessel for those specific times, each one in its own right. These times constrain a person in their confines, for in reality there is no time, there is just this aspect that the female is the vessel for those times, to be filled and raised to eternity. Thus Rabbi Nussun asserts it is the duty of the male to raise the female to transcend time. This of course is accomplished through keeping the Torah and Mitzvoas which are the vehicles of transposing this world to the infinite. The letters of the Torah and each mitzva are also the aspect of female vessels, and they bring those that induce them to transcend time and the finite properties of this world. Thus when one put his eyes to see the physical world as it is without looking for the Torah inside, especially television, sports, and movies which are intent on captivating a person to concentrate on the physicality of the screenplay, the observer is dragged and incarcerated more in more into the trappings of time and becomes more and more subservient to the confines of time, like inducing a dream, he puts his consciousness deeper and deeper into deficiency of daas and will suffer the increasing dominance of time.

Na Nach Nachma Nachman MeUman!

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