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Monday, January 1, 2018

The Praises of Rabbi Nachman - part 2 - The Order of His Voyage to the Land of Israel 1-4

Shivchay Huran
Part 2
The Order of His Voyage to the Land of Israel
The Praises of Rabbi Nachman
Part 2
The Order of His Voyage to the Land of Israel
1. Before he traveled to the land of Israel he was in Kaminitz. And his trip to Kaminitz was a great wonder, because suddenly he embarked from his house and he said, that he has a way before him to travel, and he traveled from his house in the way one travels to Mezhbizh. And he said, that he himself doesn't know yet where he's traveling. And he traveled to Mezhbizh, and in Mezhbizh he was notified from Heaven, that he needs to travel to Kaminitz, and he traveled to Kaminitz. And all of his travels were with simplicity, like the way of regular people, without any lordliness and without any publicity, even though he was already famous then in the world, even still he strongly warned the men who traveled with him that they should be careful not to make it known anywhere that he is traveling, and they did not know in any place where he was that he was there, because he traveled inconspicuously like the way of the merchants. And he was in Kaminitz.
And then, at that time, it was not permitted for any Jew to live in Kaminitz or to sleep there in the city, just, all the Jews lived outside the city, and whoever had any business inside the city, would enter into the city in the day, and he was permitted to be there the whole day, and at night all the Jews were forced to leave the city, because it was not permitted for any Jew to sleep there, as is well-known. And Rabbainu o.b.m. entered into the city with one man who was with him then, and he was there until the night, and at night he ordered the man that was with him, that he should leave the city, and he o.b.m. remained there alone inside the city, and he ordered the aforementioned man, that on the day of the morrow he should come into the city and find him there. And he o.b.m. slept there alone inside the city, and no living soul knows what he did there.
And then the next day the aforementioned man entered into the city and found him there, and afterwards he o.b.m. entered with the aforementioned man into many (many) houses, and they made some sort of pretense to enter there, and some of the houses they ordered to give them whiskey or the likes, and they were inside very many houses, and there is no person in the world that knows his intention of what he did there (t.n. except of course for the author of the book Tormented Master who has everything figured out in the most crude way); and afterwards he traveled from there to his house, and afterwards, after Rabbainu o.b.m. slept there, from that time on permission was granted to the people of Kaminitz to live inside the city.
2. And Rabbainu o.b.m. said: someone who knows why the land of Israel was first in the hands of Kinaan and afterwards it came to the hands of Israel, he knows why he (Rabbainu) was first in Kaminitz and afterwards in the land of Israel.
3. And the trip to Kaminitz was a very great wonder, and the whole world said interpretations on it: some propounded positively, and some etc. - but they all erred. Even those that said praisingly did not get his intention whatsoever, and even those that knew a little because he himself revealed to them some hint, even still they did not know his intention completely. And he already said an apt construct pertaining this, regarding what the world always mistake themselves in him with all that he does etc. (Life of Our Leader Rabbi Nachman 200).
4. Some said that he made the trip in order to find the writings of the Baal Shem Tov, that he closed off in a stone, and some people say that they are hidden there in Kaminitz, and they said, that he traveled there for this. And he o.b.m. scoffed at this, and he said, that he didn't travel at all for this, because he doesn't need them whatsoever, and he said, if he wanted those writings, they would bring them to his house, however, he has no need for them whatsoever.
Na Nach Nachma Nachman Meuman

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