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Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Be strong and steadfast with Na Nach

HH Rabbi Nachman said: Rely on my power! Later, he revealed the awesome Song of Redemption in his name: Na NaCh NaChMa NaChMaN MAyUMaN!
Na NaCh is the power to surmount all, personal and global. It is the distinct antithesis of the calls for Messiah which are essentially like the calling of "uncle" which is basically a proclamation of inadequacy, failure, and surrender. Our holy Sages set down a few prayers for Messiah, for this is the ultimate eternal Kingdom of Gd, when His glory will be revealed and reign, however, excessive obsessing on calling out Messiah, is just a sign of failure and the abandonment of personal responsibility and the hideous abandonment of the millions of Jews who are not ready for Messiah.
BH every day that goes by the NaNaCh are pumping more and more holy books into the Land and into Society, these are protection and support.
NaNaCh saves from the war which is from all sides, the missiles are raining in, and many of the bloodthirsty pa-l - istinians are doing their thing, may HY save us. From within we have seen what the police did in Meron, choosing to choke off a known dangerous passage killing 45 people, choosing to not defend many neighborhoods throughout Israel as the bloodthirsty pals pogrom like throughout history, and the special forces are out arresting those who dare defend themselves, and even building false cases to incriminate and incarcerate them. A great miracle occurred, because the government had almost been formed not only putting the arabs in power, but also Liberman who openly proclaims his intense hatred for Jews. 
Only NaNaCh can fix us and all the dangers surrounding us. 
Be strong, be happy, be holy, be
Na NaCh NaChMa NaChMaN MAyUMaN

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