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Monday, May 24, 2021

Poem for Likutay Moharan Torah-teaching 66 by Eliyahu Mahgerefteh

Likutei Moharan Torah 66- Genuinely
The main truth, is when one has no need for Briot (people) 
Cus when he needs people, his face changes like a Chrum (sort of bird?)
So much so, that praying is better when done alone 
When praying in public he's thinking, about other people who are looking
Even if that one's got money, still he wonders about their honoring
It turns out he needs Briot (people), bc he's into Chashivut (status)
This in turn causes a lie, in his praying status not being fine
Some don't want to be in the trap, of faking davening being upset
So instead they may try too hard, in davening real from the heart
Na Nach

1 comment:

Ämichai J. Schneller said...

I really love and understand. I can totally relate. I'm distracted by the assumed thoughts of others.
Since studying the great Rebbe Nachman, I notice these days, I can LIVE in front of others. Just that. to live, in full view of strangers is reality. We must embrace it.
How are you?! it is good to connect.
Na Nach!!