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Thursday, November 30, 2017

Galus (exile) mentality

HH it seems to me that the general feeling and attitude even amongst the most observant and pious is that the attainment of Ruach Hakodesh and the Temple is something of a special luxury, a special merit, almost the zenith or utopia that is at the very extreme limit of achievement.
That is extreme galus mentality which comes from thousands of years of disappointment and bearing of exile.
The fact of the matter is God roars - get a good image of that - great Divine roaring of tremendous anguish - even now everyday over the pitiful state of the Divine Presence and the lack of the Temple - both literally and figuratively in the correlation of the temple in each Jew which is their seat of holy intellect and Divine inspiration. Hashem is literally so to speak screaming in agony, this not just a simple lack of luxury and utopia.
Get a feeling for it, and take up the holy battle cry Na Nach Nachma Nachman Meuman!

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