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Saturday, November 18, 2017

The opposite from the contemporary rabbis


There's a story where Rabbainu told one of his followers who complained about his local rabbi causing hardships, that every halachic decision that Rabbi gives the follower should immediately say the opposite, even if he wasn't sure etc.. And so it was.......

Rabbainu revealed that the contemporary rabbis take their positions with brazenness. There's this guy that prays with on Shabbos, he's a nice guy but he's really caught up in the fraudulent rabbis quoting them reverently - names that make me cringe - etc.. This Shabbos they called him up to the Torah, and he made the after blessing instead of the preceding blessing - no one caught on, because he did it with such certainty and people aren't paying so much attention, even I only caught the mistake while he was already finishing the blessing - so I was wondering what he would or should do after the Torah reading, would he/should he say the after blessing again, or should he say the preceding blessing?! Without any hesitation and with complete confidence this guy rattled off the preceding blessing afterwards! Amazing! B"H. No one caught on at all, and I haven't yet had a chance to speak to him about this.

Completely the opposite!

Na Nach Nachma Nachman MeUman!

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