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Monday, April 2, 2018

Nanach fingerprints

Back in the day, about ten years ago, in the old city - the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem, the Nanach would be tagging Nanach, especially on the route to the Kosel and these kids from the Yeshiva Netiv Aryeh would take upon themselves, ki-eeloo lishaim shumayim (as if for the sake of Heaven) to scrub them off with all types of chemicals. One particular case in point they had to scrub so hard they literally scrubbed Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman into the wall, and for years afterwards the engraving was discernible. It was probably then that we said that they probably scrubbed off their fingerprints. And now behold, after cleaning my room for Passover, and using bleach very generously, my phone no longer recognizes one of my fingerprints, and when I went to add it back on, it gives me this message: oops, something is wrong, please clean the sensor and try again.

So this is obviously an aspect of complete repentance, like the Rambam says, until you have a different appearance, for here even a convicted criminal who has been fingerprinted can prove it is not him, he is someone else. However that is just one finger, one pulse, and one must be expert and master of all ten as Rabbainu revealed in the story of ancient times of the princess who escaped to the Water Castle etc..

Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman

1 comment:

NaaNaach said...

HH then there was the Nanach on the overpass on the stairs going down to the Kosel, and the chemicals were dripping down on them... In this merit may they all merit to wear Nanach beanies, them and their children and their children's children.
Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman