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Monday, July 2, 2018

Cover up – dress modestly


There are many good reasons why a person must dress modestly cover up their whole body, but today one of them really hit home, as I found myself in a dressing room with a very large flying cockroach, quiet disgusting, I seriously did not want that thing to touch me. Now imagine you were able to see all the demonic entities that surround us (this is actually even in the Talmud not just the Kabballa), and all these beings are parasitical, wishing to draw energy and power from us (if I recall correctly, in the movie the Matrix the people are actually imprisoned in their fantasies so that their energy can be harvested, there’s a lot of truth to that). The clothes form as a barrier which prevent and deny them access, and these things actually wear out the clothes. Previously on this blog (maybe just in Hebrew) I brought from Rabbi Moshe Dovid Walli, a senior Sage in the Study Hall of the Ramchal who authored a commentary to most of the Scriptures, and on the verse which says that during the rebuilding of Jerusalem and the Temple the people were told not to change out of their clothes at night, and RMDW explains that this was so that the evil realm would not be able to suck and draw nourishment from the briefly unprotected bodies. Clothes are the vessels for the highest levels of our souls and spirituality which are too lofty to be confined in our bodies and remain as makifim – periphery surrounding presence which guard us and protect us.

This is with regard to men, if a woman even needs to think at all about covering up then she is probably exempt from the Torah with the plea of insanity....

Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman!

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