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Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Treasure your brokenness

HH do you ever feel worthless, unaccomplished, desolate and the like? - Treasure those emotions, because Rabbainu revealed that our true vitality is our humility - and that is so alive and real that it lives forever - eternally!!! 
That seems to me to be what it's all about, the trick - in the face of depression - the deepest descent - you can have the highest ascent B"H!
So very practically speaking how do you do this? For starters try out what Rabbainu said that it is very good practice to sit alone and feel the gaze of G-d on you, to the extent that you get red in the face - this feeling of ineptness before G-d is a taste of the future world! May we merit to this - in merit of the holy Petek!!!! 
Na Nach Nachma Nachman MeUman!

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