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Sunday, July 1, 2018

Reading the Torah Portion of Bulak about Bilaam


This Shabbos the guy who usually reads the Torah didn't show so I got the honor. When I was reading the verses about Bilaam, and in my mind I was reviewing some of the flattering things our Sages revealed about him (-his relationship with his donkey etc.), and even the simple story presented, I almost had a giggle attack, and I had to fight diligently to suppress the strong urge to laugh. And then for a split second I contemplated doing the unthinkable, actually bursting out with laughter, it would be great to release all of that mirth in mocking insult of Bilam, but then I thought, it's one thing to have a good laugh, but how in the world would I be able to stop laughing once I got started?! So I imagined the awesome frightening original delivery of the Torah, when the souls of Israel literally were shocked out of there bodies etc.. And I managed to keep from laughing. B"H.

Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman!

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