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Sunday, July 22, 2018

Kisvay - The Writings of Rabbi Nachman - translated into English


Among my files I found this manuscript which is obviously in a rudimentary rough draft form, but nevertheless it is a very big work and might be helpful. This is the work of Eliyahu Saar who I have very good reason to believe would be happy to have people take advantage of his work, nevertheless all the rights are his, and please respect that and only use this work for personal devotion.

Kisvay Rabbi Nachman
The Writings of Rabbi Nachman of Breslov

Saba Yisroel Dov Odesser was a strong proponent of this work which first presents the summation of a teaching of Rabbainu from Likutay Moharan, from the book Kitzur (-shortened, abridged) Likutay Moharan, and then presents the pertaining prayer for that teaching from the book Likutay Tefilos (-a Collection of Prayer).

1. Introduction to Kitzur Likutay Moharan by Rabbi Nussun

2. Prefatory Teaching in Likutay Moharan with correlating Prayer especially for Lag Bu'oamehr

3. The Writings of Rabbi Nachman 1-50

4. The Writings of Rabbi Nachman 51-100

5. The Writings of Rabbi Nachman 101- End of Volume 1

6. The Writings of Rabbi Nachman: Abraham was One - teaching in Likutay Moharan between volume 1 and volume 2

7. The Writings of Rabbi Nachman - volume 2 - 1-50

8. The Writings of Rabbi Nachman - volume 2 - 51 to the END.

Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman!

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