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Tuesday, July 3, 2018

The Way to Uman


Rabbi Nussun said he would go to Uman to Rabbainu even if the roads were paved with razors....

So one of my friends wrote to me:

S.G. My son's mashgiach told him last Elul that if he sees a movie on the way to Uman, then its not worth going. My son told him that R' Nosson said even if the road was paved with knives etc - The movies on the plane are like the knives in the road.Simcha Hochman HH the knives can refer to haughtiness, as it says in the Torah (devorim 33:4) חרב גאותך
The tzadik is the humility in us (Likutay Moharan).

It is brought down (don't remember exactly where) that there were a group of chasidim that were trying to make it on foot to Uman in a time of extreme danger and they had to go at night very surreptitiously etc., but they refused to forgo any nuance whatsoever of Judaism, they insisted on immersing in the mikva every day and not missing out on the reading of the Torah or anything, which meant that they often had to backtrack to a previous place. But I'm not sure if they made it.

Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman

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