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Thursday, April 15, 2021

Concealment Revealed

HH a little over 2 years ago I visited my parents in Toronto. On Shabbos my custom is not to speak, so as not to denigrate the charlatans on this holy day. So at the meals my father n"y would give endless divray Torah, between bites and courses, and I would listen, and whenever there was a connection to what he said to something from Rabbainu, I would begin frantically searching for it so I could read it aloud from the source.
One occasion had me reading Likutay Moharan Torah-teaching 56 where Rabbainu revealed the aspect of two concealments, one, when it becomes acceptable for a person to do the forbidden because of the concealment, but at least he knows that of the predicament, the second concealment devests a person even of this knowledge, and he is utterly unaware that of the state of concealment he is in.
As I read this somewhat by rote, something I have read countless of times BH, I noticed out of the corner of my eye, an extremely emotional wince on my father's face.
The power of Rabbainu....
Na NaCh NaChMa NaChMaN MAyUMaN

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