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Sunday, April 11, 2021

Everyday joy and celebration of Na NaCh

HH living the life of a Jew.
This happens frequently by us BH, it is just a regular event, nothing out of the ordinary.
A chasidishe high school shows up, they come with speakers, two kugels - potato and yerushalmi noodle, and pickles, and soft drinks. They put on some music (Jewish music is all praises of HY and thanksgiving and so forth), and dance like mad sometimes even for a few hours, and then they move on to the next holy site, like Rabbi Shimon in Meron or other tzadikim, or they have come from there and are making their way back home.
This is so standard and everyday that they take it for granted, but most of the world are completely sealed off from knowing such a thing....
Na NaCh NaChMa NaChMaN MAyUMaN

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