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Sunday, April 24, 2022

Gant - the clothes of Messiah

On the last day of Pesach someone came over to me and told me that he is Messiah ben Dovid. So I motioned to him, pointing to my Nanach beanie, and then to him, as if to ask, then where is your Nanach beanie. He replied, it is not obligatory to wear one. He probable said some more stuff, and then I pointed to the emblem on his shirt: GANT. He replied that the insignia is acronym for Geula (redemption) A (his name) Nachman T (he mentioned the name of a fraudulent dead rabbi).

A few ours later it his me, that GANT is a permutation of ANGT which is in fact a Divine Name which heralds the Messiah, as revealed by the Ramchal in his short work Pinos HaMerkava - which with a few hints is almost clearly talking about the holy Petek and Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman, as I explain in Likutay Nanach, volume 3. However I was careful not to disclose the acronym because it would be misunderstood and contorted.  

This reminded me of the story of how Elijah laughed at the magician in the market place, because with all his magic and knowledge of the occult he professed, he was unaware that beneath his feet lay a treasure.... 

Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman

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