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Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Righteous Women Do Not Give In To Relent to Absolute Purge of Chumetz Saving Israel's Government


For those of you that don't follow Israeli politics, here's an extremely brief synopsis of what you need to know to understand this post.

A little less than two years ago, when tens of thousands of Jews around the world began planning their pilgrimage to Rabbainu Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman for his Rosh Hashana, upon which the entire world is contingent, Bibi Netanyahu's government did a huge nefarious medieval anti-Semitic deed, they sent a letter to Zelensky's government in the Ukraine pleading with him not to allow the pilgrimages entry because they spread plagues (-the cov. has like a 99% recovery rate). Zelensky, the self hating jew that he is, feared he would lose all the money and power being afforded to the promoters of the plandemic, was happy to oblige to Bibi's request, this way he would look less of a coward.

So everyone in Israel involved in that atrocity lost their positions. Bibi who had been prime minister for over a decade, suddenly lost to a nobody with only around 5 seats. Zelensky proceeded to agitate and incite Russia to invade and destroy a large percent of the Ukraine, and even though the leftist media is still trying to make him out as a hero, the evidence of his ill intentions and bad decisions which prove his guilt is growing too strong for anyone to ignore, and he will go down in history as one of the worst things that happened to the Ukraine, and as someone who brought death and destruction on a huge level.

So Bibi was deposed, but his replacement was horrid. Besides being incompetent themselves, in order to get the 61 seats they needed to gain the majority of the Knesset, they had to join with the left and the arbs. They too embraced the fraudulent plandemic with all its evil mandates, and closed Israel to Jews and perpetrated horrible atrocities, which ultimately led to a huge uprising of terrorism which claimed many precious lives. They gave land away to arbs, gave them tens of millions of dollars, and electricity, and many many more evil things, some of them very hard to believe. 

One of the 61 seats of their coalition was an orthodox woman, who was willing to go along with all this madness, until recently when the leftists on the government promoted and pushed for the allowance of Chumetz in the hospitals on Pesach - Passover. That she was not willing to allow, she resigned, leaving the coalition without the majority they needed to be in power.

Na NaCh is acronym for the three main mitzvos that women are charged with:


Ner - kindle the Shabbos lights

Challah - taken from the bread.

However we know that the righteous women of Israel are exemplary, zealous, relentless, pertinacious, in their cleaning for Passover. Many balk at this, but now we see the extreme value of this diligence. Here we see how a woman who could allow for the craziest evils and atrocities to be perpetrated in her government, to come around to her senses, and put her foot down, because she simply can not tolerate having chumetz brought into Jewish houses. 

Thus we will point out another acronym that woman have with the holy awesome name of NaNaCh.


Nashim - women

Nikuhyon - cleaning

Chumetz - leavened food forbidden on Passover.

Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman

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