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Monday, July 18, 2022

The Classified Books of Breslov


There are a few Breslov manuscripts that are being held by private people who refuse to share them with the public. One example is a manuscript Saba Yisroel had which was written by one of Rabbainu's main disciples, Rabbi Naftoli, regarding this Saba said:

I remember eighty years ago, Rabbi Shlomo Wexler, he had such words to say about Rabbeinu, but it was not revealed, and there were many other letters that did not come to us, I saw, there were wellsprings, yes. In the time of Rabbi Shlomo Wexler, before the Second World War, they were in possession of  Rabbi Shmuel Horowitz, there were writings of Rabbi Natan, some of it was lost……

 I had a ‘Likutey Tefilot’* in the handwriting of Rabbi Natan, and I also had many writings that had the potential to create a great commotion throughout the world. There was one chassid, a kosher butcher in America, he lived more than sixty years ago, and was together with several other married Torah students and chassids from Poland, and he came to me and said that he wanted to see me. Alright, they travelled to see me in Meron, and asked me to give them writings that would inspire one in the service of G-d. And I, Israel Ber, thought: “A Breslov chassid asks me for writings giving inspiration in serving G-d, could I not give them to him?” So I gave him the writings and they did not return those writings to me. “I lent them to you, why did you not give them back in return?” 

 Those were in the handwriting of Rabbi Naftali, a friend of Rabbi Natan, it was like a ‘Chai Moharan’* written by Rabbi Naftali, but there were awesome secrets there that had never before been revealed in the world, and if the writings were existing today, we would be publishing them.

Everything that Rabbi Natan brought in ‘Chai Moharan’, they are secrets that it is possible to reveal to the world, but those writings contained secrets that are impossible to reveal, they were such great secrets that they could have shaken the whole world…. and they are gone! 

 They had an accident in their car, and the writings were with them. They were saved miraculously, but the writings disappeared…… 

 Also, I had writings in the handwriting of Rabbi Natan, writings describing the suffering of the Breslovers, the persecution they endured. I remember one story....

 Saba says disappeared, seemingly as a euphemism for stolen, because that we know, but perhaps some writings were actually lost.

Why do holy books go missing? This is a question the holy Magid of Terivitza posed to many of the tzadikim of his generation, challenging them to tell him where were all the holy compositions of our forefathers and early Sages, and none were able to give him an answer, until he asked Rabbainu. It was then that Rabbainu revealed to him the Torah-Teaching of Likutay Moharan volume 2:32. See all of this in The Life of Our Leader Rabbi Nachman - Chayay Moharan 607.

In this Torah Rabbainu revealed, that just as HY allows His name to be erased in order to bring peace between man and wife, in the matter of the Sota, so too He allows for holy works of Torah to disappear, to counter act - to disappear with them - works of heresy. Rabbainu explained that the heretics had a tremendous science and persuasive reasoning, and their books were a huge threat to mislead the world from the truth of HY. 

Today I heard about a book written in the sixtees (-sometime around when the Breslov manuscripts started being stolen or going missing?) that was classified by the CIA and only recently was declassified - but only about 20% of the book was released, the other 80% was "sanitized". The book draws many connections to scientific anomalies especially in the field of geology, ancient civilizations, and prehistoric stuff, to different idolatries and mythologies. People are wondering what in the world could be in the redacted pages. 

Rabbainu said that holy books are disappeared in order to disappear works of heresy. It could follow, that when holy books are held classified, this holds up works of heresy to be classified and withheld from the public. 

Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman

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