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Monday, February 27, 2023

Hashem's great love for us

Anyone that has any conception of the previous tzadikim knows how powerful their minds were - capable of processing and mastering so much every second, and their absolute commitment and unrelenting devotion and adherence every second. Not to mention the depth of their heart, empathy etc. etc.. So when I was thinking about this, my utter deficiency and inadequacy came to the forefront of awareness, but I knew not how in the world I can up my game to remotely resemble what it should be. So how could I continue this way? But how is it, I thought, that despite my terrible shortcomings I still definitely feel HY is helping me and I am making some progress, and then it hit me like a jackpot, it must be that HY really loves me, and is catering to me even as I am the way I am. This is an amazing feeling and realization, we all need it, much much more of it BH.

Shortly after i wrote this i realized that this is very similar to the experience Rabbainu revealed in Likutay Moharan 89, may we merit.

Na NaCh NaChMa NaChMaN MAyUMaN 

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