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Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Diligence in Torah Study

Just now by the holy shrine of Na Nach Nachma Nachman MeUman I was praying to merit to study and learn a lot of Torah, and the gabbai of Tosh approaches me and wants to share with me a Torah he just learned from the writing of the Arizal (Prey Aitz Chaim on Purim), so as I heard him out I was thinking, wow, on the spot Rabbainu is hooking me up to already begin learning Torah. It gets better. The piece is about the letters Samech = 60 and Eyen = 70, which spell out the word SA - go, embark, travel. So I showed him what Rabbainu revealed in Likutay Moharan, Torah 188, that when a person screams to Hashem Yisburach they tell him SA! [This is a song for this holy Torah:] Here I was screaming to HY and Rabbainu told me SA - go and learn! NNNNM!

This fellow also feels that if more ice cream was served by the holy tomb there would be more screaming [regarding ice cream check out this informative video:] like there was in previous good years when people really felt their deprivation, but this year this almost no screaming, except for a little very near Rosh Hashana. Apparently everyone is already relying on the holy petek.

Na Nach Nachma Nachman MeUman!

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