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Saturday, September 16, 2017

Tear graves by the holy tomb of Rabbi Nachman


This is an idea I just had, and someone can make a lot of money on this, so here I set down my patent.

Rabbainu revealed in his stories of Ancient Times, Story 3 of One Who Could Not Walk that when the bandit was moved to repent, "he tore graves and was penitent and very remorseful". So the basic idea is for someone to go around the holy tomb with a flower pot and avail the public of the opportunity to tear out herbage by the holy grave-site. Maybe $10 a shot, and for a full "Brisker shiur" - a proper specimen limahadrin $40 (hidur mitzva ad shleesh), and for just a rabbanut hechsher a synthetic plant may be used.

Na Nach Nachma Nachman MeUman!

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