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Sunday, September 24, 2017

Sons of the righteous


A few years ago, our dear friend Aron Patz passed away. Aron Patz was one of Saba's favorite, and for obvious good reasons, as he was completely dedicated to hafatza far above and beyond one's regular duty. So a few months ago we had a Sefer Torah written in his memory, and ushered it in, in Uman with great joy and ceremony. One of Aron's grandchildren who was conscripted in the army, didn't want to miss it so he left the army and flew (somewhat miraculously) to Uman. On his way back to Israel he was placed in prison for a few days (14 I think) for this desertion. Afterwards their experts decided that he wasn't fit for their futility, and he was released completely from their bondage and with his new freedom he increasingly drew himself to the holy ways of Rabbainu, and he spent Rosh Hashana with us here in Uman! Obviously he is getting help and direction from on high!

The Sefer Torah is ashkenazi and the paroaches (covering) of the Sefer Torah has a very large golden Petek embroidered on it. On Rosh Hashana we keep it in our apartment where we conduct full services, however, during the year we keep it by the holy tomb for the public. The holy tomb also hosts a Sefardic Sefer Torah which has a silver case - which has engraved on it a huge Petek. A.C. one of the Nanach who is by the holy tomb throughout the year has seen to it that these two holy Sifray Torah preside in the very center of the holy ark, so that when the ark is open it is these Sifray Torah that are displayed and used for the Torah reading. As they are brought to the lectern and returned, everyone kisses them - essentially kissing the holy Petek, BH.

Na Nach Nachma Nachman MeUman!

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