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Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Secure travels to Rabbainu Na Nach Nachma Nachman Me'Uman


On  my way to Rabbainu NNNNM for Rosh Hashana, in the airport I had to undergo the Elal all serious precheck in interrogation and security check. The lady asked me where I'm flying, so I replied to Rabbi Nachman - NNNNM, she wasn't happy with my answer, and asked again where are you flying? And I repeated to Rabbainu NNNNM. This charade repeated itself a few times, with each of us trying to us different variations of our dialogue to get our  point across, she would say but what is your destination and so forth. Finally she asks but to what city are you flying, to which I replied Uman! This wasn't either the answer she wanted, and we tried it again to no avail. Finally she asks but where is the airport?! Ahhhh, Kiev of course, and now she had her answer. Undoubtedly it did her a world of good to hear all the time about the ultimate final destination.

Na Nach Nachma Nachman Me'Uman

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